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Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 22/11/2014 by Carolyn J

Hello , have posted on facebook forum getting conflicting opinions, advice appreciated. I have two 4 yr old spur thighs I'm hibernating for first time. Have been following wind down procedure on TPG , started 8/11/14 (slightly shorter than full weeks due to age ) currently on "week 3 ". The male in particular has lost a lot of weight and I don't know whether abandon and over winter him. His JR. was 0.178 at end of October but is currently 0.157. He is a lively feisty boy who hates being inside and has been using up precious calories stomping about. Going by weight records , he had a happy summer outside and was 1000g end of August and fell to 950 from end of Sept to mid October .He ate well when brought inside and gained weight to 1039g. He is currently 917g  so he has lost over 10% of his body weight from end of October weight. He appears well , still active when lights are on.

The female s JR. was nearly 0.21 at end of October and is currently 0.18 , she is a much more laid back tortoise.
Should I continue wind down with female and abandon hibernation with male , or carry on with him and maybe give him a short hibe period ? Many Thanks 

Re: Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 22/11/2014 by Tom

Hello Carolyn,

What temp. are they at & for how long each day ?
Is the female still producing faeces when given a long soak ?


Re: Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 22/11/2014 by Carolyn J

Hi Tom thanks for getting back to me. They have just changed down from 6 hours light to 4 in last couple of days. Heat when light is on is around 20/21 c . Gradually cools after that and at night gets down to 17 in there when all off. Both of them passed faeces and urinated yesterday whilst in their baths . Only other time female passed was at just over two weeks wind down and the male gave up nothing at all until about 3 days ago and then again yesterday. They haven't separate UVB that comes on just before and goes off just after the light. 

Re: Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 22/11/2014 by Tom

As you state the male has lost a lot of weight. I thought you may have had the heat on for too long, but clearly not.

As he is "very active" & doesn't like being in (as with most torts at that age), what you could do is to hibe. him for a month. Then wake & feed him up a bit, empty out & give another short hibe. He is surprisingly heavy for that age.

Next year I suggest that you leave them outside in early Autumn, to empty out naturally. They stop feeding in mid to late Sept. & they are ready to hibe. in mid to late October.

Best wishes,


Re: Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 22/11/2014 by Carolyn J

Many thanks Tom this is really helpful. So you feel it's safe for him to do a month. I wish I'd left him out a bit longer to do this on his own , as you are suggesting for next year. I think he would have been fine. But he did start dropping weight in Sept and going by the J ratio he was on Lowish side so I brought him in to feed him up .

The female stopped eating when we had a cold snap in August and even though we went on to have that fantastic Autumn , whenever I put her outside she went straight to coolest spot and went to sleep and I thought September was far too early to hibernate.
I think I have unknowingly let their size get too big as I've not hibernated them before ( was given them as hatchlings by my aunt whose pair had a batch of fertile eggs surprisingly after many many years) so they have always over wintered and probably grown too big too soon. Both were deemed healthy by their vet who saw them for a check up last year though .

Re: Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 22/11/2014 by Tom

Yes a month is quite safe.

They do little in the second half of Sept & into Oct., but as long as they have a waterproof house, they are fine. 

The JR is only a guide, as the shape of torts varies considerably. I've never used it, but when advising from a distance, it would be irresponsible to dismiss it.
The important thing is to keep careful weight records & this you have done. 
You might find that the male loses about 10% every Autumn.

Re: Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 25/11/2014 by Carolyn J

Hi Tom , not sure whether to start new thread so you see this . Have just bathed a weighed my two again and starting "week4" of wind down . Sadly they are both still losing weight .Table was down to 14c last night and I've have added more soil and no light/ heat at being added today.

Male had dropped 15g since Saturday ( he was already 0,157 on JR then) and female has dropped 27g since Saturday's weight. Should I carry on with plan above to hibe for just 1 month . They do look a bit slower in themselves today after a cooler night.
Many thanks 

Re: Too much weight loss urgent decision needed
Posted: 25/11/2014 by Carolyn J

Hi Tom , not sure whether to start new thread so you see this . Have just bathed a weighed my two again and starting "week4" of wind down . Sadly they are both still losing weight .Table was down to 14c last night and I've have added more soil and no light/ heat at being added today.

Male had dropped 15g since Saturday ( he was already 0,157 on JR then) and female has dropped 27g since Saturday's weight. Should I carry on with plan above to hibe for just 1 month . They do look a bit slower in themselves today after a cooler night.
Many thanks 


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