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Spur thigh burrowing
Posted: 09/11/2014 by Iggy

We have a 3 year old spur thigh tortoise who lives outside. She hasn't hibernated in the 2 years that we've had her but recently has been showing signs of slowing down. She's 100mm (10cm) and weighs 138 grams. Recently she's buried herself under about 5cm of damp earth - when we move her to a sunny spot she returns a few hours later to the damp ground. We're worried that she'll rot under ground. Should we keep her awake and feeding? Any suggestions? Thank you. 

Re: Spur thigh burrowing
Posted: 11/11/2014 by Tom


Is it in or outside ?


Re: Spur thigh burrowing
Posted: 11/11/2014 by Tom

OK I'll assume it's outside. 

No it will not rot - they like to hibernate in moist soil. You could leave it there & put a few inches of straw over it. 
It's ok for the straw to get wet, but cover it in extreme rain.
Check daily below the straw for signs of rodents. 

If frosts below -5C are forecast, add 30 cm of straw & a plastic cover.
Limit the hibe to 12 weeks at that age.


Re: Spur thigh burrowing
Posted: 12/11/2014 by Tom

Having said hibe. it - how have you measured the 100cm length ?


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