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Humid hide
Posted: 25/10/2014 by greendayjlb

Have been advised to set Tilly (1-2 year old horsfield) up with a humid hide, can anyone advise if this is a good thing and if so any suggestions on doing this and what to use. Thanks

Re: Humid hide
Posted: 26/10/2014 by Tom

Ask the adviser to explain why & how.

Re: Humid hide
Posted: 26/10/2014 by greendayjlb

It was on the tpg facebook page, there mixed comments so thought I'd come on here, they said it looked like Tilly's she'll was pyramiding so a humid hide would help with that, I'll try to upload the pics I posted to make him say this

Re: Humid hide
Posted: 26/10/2014 by greendayjlb

Re: Humid hide
Posted: 26/10/2014 by greendayjlb

Re: Humid hide
Posted: 26/10/2014 by greendayjlb

Can you see a problem Tom?

Re: Humid hide
Posted: 28/10/2014 by Tom

A bit bumpy, but not a prob. New growth will be smooth with food, etc., correct.

I don't keep them & wouldn't want to.

Go back to F'bk & ask.


Re: Humid hide
Posted: 29/10/2014 by greendayjlb

Wow, ok sorry to take up so much of your time! If I'd have known asking questions was going to be such a problem I wouldn't have, if your not interested in helping then please don't reply to my posts as I'm sure there are others who will. I just wanted advice from you as you have been helpful to me in the past, a mistake I won't make again


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