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New to turtle, brought one Red Ear Slider..Please provide me tips for taking care of it
Posted: 24/09/2014 by phani7789

Hi All,
I am new to turtles world. One month back i have vrought Red Ear Slider turtle from a pet shop, kept it in a tank of 30cms length,10cms
width, 20cms height with a small basking area (with out any extra uv light),along with this i have put 4small size mollies fish..
they all were fine for one month, after one month the turtle stopped eating food n swimming in water, it satyed all the day in the basking
area and dont make any sound but for every 10minutes once it opened it mouth wide and raised it up(generally it use to make small sound all
the day).
i have asked the pet shop person about this and he gave me "Mr Green" drop saying it may be because of bacteria in water, asked us to put
5-7 drop evry time after aquarium cleanup. We did it like he said, but our turtle dead 4days back.
Now we brought a new Red Ear Slider turtle, Can anyone guide in the care to be taken. I have been thru many sites they have mention tipe
to be taken care off, i am following them like Arranging basking area, providing seperate turtle food, taking it and
put in sunlight for 10-15 min evry day..should i take care of any more thing??

NOTE:In my place in india we dont have any vet for animals, So i cant show my turtle to any vet, only shop keppers are the source of any medicines and even they are not completely aware of fishes or turtles.

Re: New to turtle, brought one Red Ear Slider..Please provide me tips for taking care of it
Posted: 24/09/2014 by Tom

Hello Phani,

You should really study an animals needs b4 buying. The tank is far too small & 15 mins of Sun is useless.

This site is for tortoise keepers.

Go to & click on "Articles" you will find the info you need.
If you have a garden, older sliders do very well in a pond, with some land around it enclosed.



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