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New horsefield concern
Posted: 21/09/2014 by jodieelol

hey guys!Click and drag me down to the editor

So I got Frederick a few days ago, I was on this forum lots before I got him looking at how best to house him etc so I am 100% sure that his table and everything is how it should be. So Frederick is always in the corner sleeping of his hidey hole, most times i go to touch him or anything he hisses at me and seems to just want to be left alone. Is this normal as he's just adjusting to change? Starting to think he doesn't like me or he isn't happy :( I'm worried about him (i feel like a mother) 
any one any suggestions as to help him settle in or anything?
He's cute though right guys?

Re: New horsefield concern
Posted: 24/09/2014 by Tom


Your tort is clearly from a dealer, not a breeder. Possibly bred in E. Europe, but almost certainly wild caught, either way it's traded & has had a very hard time. 

Hissing is a sign of fear. Again from the photos it's clear that you are over-handling it. They are an animal which is best observed - minimally handled.

Follow the TPG care sheet carefully, if he gains weight, hibernate him in February & March, so that you familiarise yourself with it. Start to plan his outdoor area for next year.

As he becomes tame , they like having their heads stroked.



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