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Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 26/08/2014 by Carolyn J

Hello, I m new to the forum and just made mistake of posting my question at the end of a very similar thread , sorry I will get the hang of this.

I have two Mediterranean torts just turned 4 yrs old , they have enjoyed the summer in their outdoor enclosure. However as started getting colder and wetter one in particular stopped eating and wasn't coming out to bask in what sunshine we have had. So I have brought them inside to their indoor enclosure. they are not happy :( one is pacing round and round, they are both warm and eating now though. I would like to keep them outdoors as much as possible as they seem to prefer it. If I made an extension to their outdoor setup with an enclosed  insulated roofed house, would this need to have a heating source and uv light , with thermostat ? Presumably I would need to be able to control the environment so I can wind them down for hibernation at suitable point. Many thanks for your advise 

Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 26/08/2014 by Tom

Hello Carolyn,

At 4 years they don't like moving inside. 
If you are going to hibe. them, then they are better left outside. However, continue feeding them indoors, (given that they are in,) for a few days, 'til the weather improves. 

What type of house do they have ?


Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 26/08/2014 by Carolyn J

Hi Tom , thank you v much for your reply. They're outdoor enclosure is 8.5 foot by just over 4 foot. At present there is a mixture of denser vegetation and cover , with cave like areas to hide in as well as plenty of open basking and weed grazing areas. They put themselves to bed in deep vegetation or dig into the cave bits when they fancy hiding away. But not got a man made housing area . That's the bit I think I need to get right in order for them to stay out ? Not sure how hardy they are . Tried to upload photos from my ipad but doesn't seem to work. I have had them from hatchlings and haven't hibernated them yet . Did get them vet checked last autumn and they were given clean bill to go ahead and hibernate . But as it was their first time vet said to only do it for one month well into winter. However when that time came family circumstances meant could t devote time to proper wind down , so they ended up staying awake right through . I would like to do it this year and try yo keep them where they are happiest outside.

Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 26/08/2014 by Carolyn J

Just to complete their background info, they were given to me as hatchlings by my aunt who owns the parents. She's owned them for nearly 50 years now ( they were adults when she got them ) and once raised 2 tortoises from eggs laid about 20 years ago and then my batch were from 8 eggs successfully hatched 4 years ago.  Spartacus ( restless one) stopped pacing about later on in the day and settled down , but I expect he ll be at it again tomorrow, he definitely wants to be outside, much more relaxed out there.( They have ceramic heater and Uv light on toners in their indoor setup by the way.)

Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 26/08/2014 by Tom

A pleasure Carolyn,

The problem with sleeping in vegetation or "cave bits" is that the ground temp. is dropping as we approach Autumn. 
You need a good sized wooden house, with wooden floor, preferably with a clear polycarbonate, or Plexiglass roof. Do you know a DIY person ?

Kept outside, they will cease feeding in mid to late Sept., & be ready to hibe in mid to late Oct.. Seasons vary.

You will need to read up carefully, & decide which hibe. method you want to use. 
Click on the box titled "The Tortoise / Incl…." then hibe..

Don't bother with vet checks b4 hive., you are the best judge as to their putting on weight & growing. If you haven't already, keep monthly weight records in future.

Your indoor enclosure will be an asset after hibe..

Also over the next few years, extend their enclosure to at least 15sqm.


Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 27/08/2014 by Carolyn J

Thanks Tom , that's very very helpful will get on with sorting house out for them . Happily my husband is a plumber and carpenter so he should have no problems making something . Yes will definitely need to start expanding the outdoor enclosure especially once good size house is taking up some of the room. You are right they were feeling cold and damp in the mornings when directly on the soil so can see def need the house. I will start my research to best hive method to suit and I very much like the idea of them being happy and relaxed on their wind down period. Very nervous about the hive though having not done it before, but I know it's going to be better and more natural for them 

Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 28/08/2014 by Carolyn J

Hi Tom,

Could you give a rough measurement suitable for the outdoor house, need to make sure my husband builds it right first time as think he ll give me just one shot at it ! ( busy playing with narrowboat most of time :) ) 
Many thanks

Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 28/08/2014 by Tom

Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 28/08/2014 by Tom

Typo Carolyn,

I meant hibe. not hive. - zzzzzz!

Size about 60 x 60cm x 30cm high. A hinged door opening down to form a ramp.

Face opening East to get early sun.

Good luck,

Re: Outdoor keeping Mediterranean s
Posted: 28/08/2014 by Carolyn J

Thank you Tom . Will try to persuade husband to help make it this weekend to correct spec . Yes ha ha not sure I m ready for bee keeping zzzz


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