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fridge query
Posted: 14/11/2008 by shazzler

Click and drag me down to the editor Hi All, twiglet is almost ready for his big sleep so can anybody advise me on what i should put in his box, also i believe the inside of a fridge will have damp air so what health problems should i look out for, any advise greatly recieved



Re: fridge query
Posted: 14/11/2008 by tpgNina

Hi Sharon,

I've tried various things -- one year I used hemp, one sand and soil, and last year I used shredded newspaper. I don't think the tortoise really requires a particular substrate, but it's nice if he can have something to snuggle into. My main objective is to choose a substrate where it is easy to see if they have urinated (because you have to take them out of hibernation pronto if they wee).
About fridges being damp -- that isn't actually true. Fridges are actually a very dry environment, and for that reason, lots of people keep a bowl of water in the fridge to counteract the dryness. Twiglet won't actually be in a damp substrate (which would be bad), but the additional moisture in the air will, I think, help to prevent any dehydration.


Re: fridge query
Posted: 14/11/2008 by shazzler

Click and drag me down to the editor  Thanks Nina ,wow i didnt realise that about the fridges,

ok what i was thinking is..... 50/50 sand +soil about 3inch deep then a nice layer of shredded paper on the top, im sure he will snuggle down ok in that, do i have to put a lid on his tub ( with air holes Click and drag me down to the editor) or can i leave it off, the tub im using is a clear plastic tuppaware tub, and do you recomend a dish of water at the bottom of the fridge as he will be on the middle shelf, also ive got the fridge at a steady 5 at the moment is it ok if it varies between 3 and 6 for a horsefield,

im sorry about all the questions but this is my 1st hibernation

shazzler xx

Re: fridge query
Posted: 14/11/2008 by tpgNina

Oops -- I forgot he is a horsfield. I think I would put a lid on the box (with air holes punched in it), as horsfields are notoriously difficult to settle and if he isn't settled in he could climb out (although I'm sure Twiglet will be very obliging and go to sleep nicely {g}). I don't think it matters much where you put the bowl -- the bottom will be fine (not everyone uses a bowl of water, but we did last year and it worked fine). The temperatures you have sound fine -- they always say that you should aim for 5C, but horsfields can take it colder so down to 3C will be fine too. Do you have a digital thermometer with a remote probe (so you can put the probe on Twiglet's box and have the unit outside the fridge? That way you can see the temperature in the fridge without opening it (but don't forget to open it once a day for a couple of seconds to get the air
LOL - last year my friend and I had three torts in the fridge and five thermometers (one by each tort and one at the top and one at the bottom), with all of the display units outside. I think we overdid it on the thermometers, but it made us feel safer knowing that we new the temperature in every area of that fridge!


Re: fridge query
Posted: 14/11/2008 by shazzler

LOL, Im hoping he settles down ok hes a right stubborn little bugga when he wants to be ha ha,

yep i have two of those thermostats both with probes and one has an alarm if the temps go too low or high ( not much use if im at work at the time tho)

ok, so hes having his lid on just in case as even now at this moment he never seems to stay in one position when he sleeps, hes always poking his  back legs in and out, its really funny in the mornings cos he comes out of his hide and yawns his head off as tho he hasnt slept a wink.

thanks nina



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