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Should I hibernate this year?
Posted: 11/07/2014 by emilinapeskipena


I have a 7 year old Horsefield tortoise who I've hibernated in the fridge for the last 5 years. Last year my other tortoise died of RNS (unfortunately she was ill when we purchased her) and soon after I started to notice symptoms in my other tort. I took him to the vets and he had some antibiotics and the symptoms cleared up a bit but I've since had to take him back a couple of times as he has had a runny nose. He's been hibernated once since getting RNS and after he woke up his symptoms were at their worst. This year he's already been to the vets twice and I'm just wondering if I should over winter him and try to build his strength up a bit? Any advice would be appreciated. 
Just a bit of extra info: he lives in a good size table with a heat light and UVB. Temps are good, cool end low 20s and under heat lamp it's low 30s. Bathes every other day and is fed the correct food (manly weeds, rocket and the odd tomato or grape as a treat). He's also fed vitamins on his food. 

Re: Should I hibernate this year?
Posted: 24/12/2014 by sophie123


I'm sorry your totoise died and that i understand why you are worried about hibinating with the symptoms on your other tortoise, if I was you I would keep him awake just to be safe you don't lose him, also if you want better advise ask your vet the same question 
Hope everything will be okay with your tortoise 
Happy Christmas

Re: Should I hibernate this year?
Posted: 24/12/2014 by sophie123


I'm sorry your totoise died and that i understand why you are worried about hibinating with the symptoms on your other tortoise, if I was you I would keep him awake just to be safe you don't lose him, also if you want better advise ask your vet the same question 
Hope everything will be okay with your tortoise 
Happy Christmas


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