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Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 15/06/2014 by Clarabella


We are just finishing Molly's outdoor enclosure. I live in the UK and wanted to be able to leave Molly outdoors even on cooler days. We have done her a house and plan to put Perspex over the area in front of house to create a warmer area. My query is, if we put heating (on a thermostat) in her house would this be OK or would it also need some light in her house!? Or will she be ok with no heating? Feeling a bit confused with it all. Thanks for any help and advice. I've tried to upload a pic so hope it shows. 

Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 15/06/2014 by Tom


What age & species is your tortoise ?


Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 15/06/2014 by Clarabella

Hi Tom,

She will be 5yrs old in couple of months and is an eastern hermanns. She is slightly under 5 inches long. Here are some newer pics of the finished enclosure. 

Thanks, Claire. 

Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 15/06/2014 by Clarabella

And another :)

Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 15/06/2014 by Clarabella

And another :)

Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 16/06/2014 by Tom

Thank you for the reply Clarabella,

Hermann's are hardy, so there is no need to heat the house. The entrance could be bigger to allow more light in. A clear plastictop is another idea.

I see that you have a nice lawn. This could be close mown & have dandelion, plantain, etc, transplanted into it & you could expand your enclosure.
At 5 years your tort. will soon need an area of 15 sq metres to roam in. Your new pen could be converted into a cold frame for very 'grey' days.

You've made a good start, so food for thought for next year.


Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 16/06/2014 by Tom

Thank you for the reply Clarabella,

Hermann's are hardy, so there is no need to heat the house. The entrance could be bigger to allow more light in. A clear plastictop is another idea.

I see that you have a nice lawn. This could be close mown & have dandelion, plantain, etc, transplanted into it & you could expand your enclosure.
At 5 years your tort. will soon need an area of 15 sq metres to roam in. Your new pen could be converted into a cold frame for very 'grey' days.

You've made a good start, so food for thought for next year.


Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 28/06/2014 by Clarabella

Hi Tom,

Thanks ever so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I really appreciate it and like the idea of a clear roof! We will make the entrance bigger too! When she's fully grown my plans are to keep the pen there but create an entrance so she can come out and have the run of the garden which we should easily be able to block off! Thanks again,

Here it is polycarbonate roof in place, it's been a dull damp day today but it's hit just over 20degrees in her house which has stayed light, dry and warm! Fab! 

Re: Outdoor enclosure advice needed
Posted: 26/08/2014 by Carolyn J

Hello , looking for similar advice please . I have 2  just turned 4 yrs old Mediterraneans. They have happily spent the summer in their outdoor enclosure , but as it was getting cold and no sunshine  one of them in particular had stopped eating and wasn't coming out to bask in any sun we have been getting. So I have brought them indoors to their indoor enclosure. They are not enjoying it :(  ,one is just pacing round and round ( though both warmed up and eating). I would really like to keep them out side. If I did an extension to my current outdoor setup with an enclosed insulated roofed house , would this need to be heated and with light / UV light thermostat etc.. ? Many thanks for your help


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