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Tortoise wellbeing
Posted: 17/04/2014 by kbirkett

I would like to know if I am looking after my tortoiseproperly.  I

got her from a tortoise trust she is a Mediterranean

spur-thighed tortoise about 60 years old.  She hibernated last year for about 12 weeks Ikept her in her hutch with a mixture of garden soil and play sand, the hutch wasput in my summer house.  When she cameout of hibernation I bathed her regularly and kept her in the house.  After a week she started eating, she mainly

feeds on weeds as she has the run of the garden, I also giveher a platter of food

daily, cucumber, broccoli and cauli (occasionally) watercress,carrot (occasionally)

and raspberry or tomatoes. I bring her in every night and put her in a small hutch.


Am I doing the right thing?

Re: Tortoise wellbeing
Posted: 18/04/2014 by Tom


It's good to read that she lives outside, weather permitting. 
I'd avoid the platter, except for cucumber as a treat & just feed weeds.
You were lucky that it was a very mild winter, as sheds & greenhouses are not suitable for hibernation. There is some good information in the boxes on the left, so have a good read.
You need a large waterproof house outside,with soft straw in it, as a retreat.

Overall good, you're on the right track.


Re: Tortoise wellbeing
Posted: 25/04/2014 by kbirkett

Many thanks Tom.


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