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Posted: 08/01/2014 by korenxx


 I posted few months back about my sick tortoise and if i didn't say so thanks for the reply and the help

when i first got him he was dignosed with pymiad syndrome and julvina elvated growth syndrome (where the shell is too big for them) with possiable bone disease  ( still can't remeber the name!!)

and then a later on he got an infection. so I'm not hibernatting him this year but was wondering with his conditions do you think its wise to hibernating at all??? hes a 4/5 year old spur.


Re: question!
Posted: 09/01/2014 by Tom

Hello Koren,

I'm very pleased to hear it's recovered. Pet shops are licensed by the Local Authority. I suggest you visit a Citizens Advice Bureau, take your Vet receipts, print off our correspondence, including in October, which is still under Health Problems (on the left) & take all that along.      Ask them if they will take the matter up for you, as shops like that need closing down.
     If it thrives through the Summer & puts on weight (weigh monthly & keep dated records) then it should be fine to hibe. it.
     They don't need perfect weather to be outside. Provide a waterproof house, though they love sun & showers. Read the v. good info. on hibernation on this site, & read it a few more times in Summer.


Re: question!
Posted: 10/01/2014 by korenxx

Heyya. I did pass it to my local RSPCA officer and gave her copies of his vet history but havnt seen her recently but Ill go talk to someone at CAB thanks.

I have been reading up lots. another question hes  20cm by 15cm what do you think is a good weight for him to hibernate?

Re: question!
Posted: 10/01/2014 by Tom

It's not possible to give a "good weight" for a given Length & Width, with or without pyramiding.

That's why I suggest you take accurate Monthly weights & keep Dated records. You can then monitor his progress relative to him, rather than any sort of academic chart. 
Put his monthly weights on the Forum in mid-September - it will be interesting & the right time to assess him. 
Keep us informed re. the RSPCA (bear in mind the amount of cruelty to animals they have to deal with & cruelty to reptiles is difficult to prosecute). You may make more progress with the C.A.B. if you get a good adviser (some are below par). 
Let us know.


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