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A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 15/12/2013 by amandarobbens

I have two Hermanns that have been in hibernation for a week and Wilma has woken up and tried to get out of box, I don't think she has urinated though. I felt around shredded paper and it was dry.I'm doing box method. Fred hasn't woken as yet. It's 12degrees! I've left her in there. Is this ok if I keep close eye or should I abandon hibernation this winter?

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 15/12/2013 by amandarobbens

What I didn't say is they are in separate boxes so not disturbing each other. Polystyrene box shredded paper shoe box with shredded paper in that as we'll.

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 15/12/2013 by Tom


12° is too high. You need to aim for 3-6°.
Where is the box?


Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 16/12/2013 by amandarobbens

Hi Tom

They are in the garage which is attached to house. I can't seem to get a different temp inside the box to outside the box I've really packed it out with shredded paper. I've just checked on her and she's asleep again. Its so mild outside I don't know how to get temperature down inside box. I have got a shed but not sure different up there as so mild. This is my first time for hibernation. Should I take the inner boxes out and just leave them until it goes cooler?

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 16/12/2013 by amandarobbens

Hi Tom

Me agsin. I've just putting some ideas blocks in the freezer to freeze. I was thinking, what if i put an ice block in outer boxes to cool boxes down but keep very close eye on them ie.. every 30 mins or so until temp drops. And then do I need to pack it out more with shredded paper to keep it down? Or is this a crazy idea!?

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 16/12/2013 by Tom

Can you give a few more details please Amanda? - species, age, etc.


Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 16/12/2013 by amandarobbens

Hi tom 

Yes hermanns testudo they were 3 on the 23rd nov  this year. 

Amanda X

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 16/12/2013 by Tom

How long do you intend to hibernate them for?

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 17/12/2013 by amandarobbens

Hi tom

I was thinking about 10 weeks but if losing too much weight then less. Fred is big for his age which is a concern . He weighed 530g (14cm length) jackson ratio of 19.3148688 before I stopped feeding them. When he went into hibernation he weighed 468g . Wilma weighed 499g (13.5cm length) Jackson ratio of 20.2814611 before I stopped feeding and weighed 459g when she went into hibernation.  Wilma appears to have gone back to sleep which is more than can be said for me with all the stress :). The temperature this morning is 9°c in boxes was my ice pack idea a crazy idea? Should I try the shed instead? Sorry about all the questions.  X

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 17/12/2013 by Tom

I assume that the garage is not used for vehicles.

The floor of the garage will be the best place to put them. Use a max / min thermometer to find the coldest area. 
It is warm for December, but this will change. Yes 10 weeks is ok.
Garden sheds should not be used.
Next year I suggest that you use two 30sq cm plastic storage boxes, half filled with top soil from the garden.  They will bury themselves in the soil, which being moist will be colder than the air temperature & more stable. You can then build an insulation area all around. 
Set one up as an experiment, put your temp probe into the soil.


Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 18/12/2013 by amandarobbens

Hi tom

Thanks for all your advice.  I did put them on the floor. I checked on them yesterday and fred was asleep but had urinated so I think I'm gonna have to bring him out of hibernation :( do you think I should wake them BOTH up as she was awake the other day? X

Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 19/12/2013 by Tom

I would let them continue Amanda. The temperature will drop. Urinating once, early in hibernation, is not a problem.

Try building an area around the hibernaculum, using cardboard or whatever yo have, so that you have a sq metre or so isolated, to some degree, from the rest of the garage. Use several thermometres of different types.
Don't check them for a week, after you built the extra insulation.


Re: A week into hibernation and awake!
Posted: 20/12/2013 by amandarobbens

Hi tom

thats brill that I haven't got to wake him up. They've been settled the last couple of days as weather got cooler.  I'll sort frame around them tomorrow Thanks again.  Much appreciated. 

Amanda x


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