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aviding eye contact
Posted: 29/10/2008 by shazzler

Click and drag me down to the editor ok, twiglet decided not to eat on monday so i started his windown ready for his big sleep, hes down to 9hrs of uv at the momemnt and not very active so thats a positive sign (i hope), but after his bath yesterday he wandered about aimlessly looking for his breakfast for about 10 mins, he even looked abit amused at the spot where his hebe plant had been (despite his innocent grin i know hes nibbling at it ),

my question do you look into those big brown eyes and say no food for you young fella its hib time, i know i have to be strong but its like depriving one of my kids of foodClick and drag me down to the editor

sharon xxxx

Re: aviding eye contact
Posted: 29/10/2008 by tpgNina

Hi Sharon,

The title of your message said it all -- avoid eye contact. It's terrible, isn't it? They are genetically programmed to look at us with those big sad eyes, as if to say "I trusted you with my life, to provide me with food and shelter -- how can you let me down like this!" It's a good thing they can't shed tears, or we'd all give in!

How long a wind down are you giving Twiglet? If I remember, she is still quite small, so three weeks should be adequate Don't reduce the hours of heat and light too quickly, as you want to get that food that is in her stomach digested and out.
I haven't started Doris's wind down yet, but I'm dreading it, as always.


Re: aviding eye contact
Posted: 29/10/2008 by shazzler

Hi Nina,

yes hes having 10 days no food full heat daily baths, then 7days no food daily baths reduced heat n uv, then 3 days no food daily baths no heat, last day nothing but a bath, apparantley hes 3yrs not 1 as i was originally told, does this sound ok to you as im really nervous ive never done this before Click and drag me down to the editor

sharon xxx

Re: aviding eye contact
Posted: 29/10/2008 by tpgsteph

Hi Sharon
Your wind down timetable sounds fine. Any worries don't hesitate to ask, alternatively you may find the answers to your questions in our document 'Preparing the Tortoise for Hibernation'(wind down procedure). The link is at the bottom of the hibernation page.



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