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Are they just angry?
Posted: 09/08/2013 by thresh1974

Hi I have two spur thigh that have lived harmoniously for 5 years. However this Summer one has tried to mate with the other, I had hoped they were male n female but im pretty sure they are both male. They share the garden and have a hutch to sleep in etc. Could it just be that they are angry due to the heat? Do I need to separate them? Im sure one was chasing the other and then they switched but the smaller of the two is much more virulent. Not sure what to do? thanks

Re: Are they just angry?
Posted: 12/08/2013 by Tom

You are keeping them outside with a 'hutch' for shelter - excellent. If they are both male & the 'mating' behaviour is not too excessive (eg not biting to the point of bleeding) then they are trying to establish dominance ('pecking order').
If they are male & female, then at some point, you will need to separate them. Do you know which species of 'Spurs' they are? Females need to be big enough to carry eggs & this varies, subject to species.
The 'plate' or scute above the tail curls under in males'. See what you think & if you can upload some close-up pics of the area, I'll have a try.

Re: Are they just angry?
Posted: 12/08/2013 by thresh1974

Hi, In general they are very happy together. They live outside all the time and live as naturally as possible, they bury themselves in when they are ready to hibernate not when I think, and this is their third year now of successfully hibernating and living a natural life. However it is just the mating that seems to be causing a problem. Im pretty sure they are both male I cannot see any difference between their plates, and the one that is doing the mating has always been quicker and more uptight (his name is "fidget" aptly named) the other is slower as I say and his name is Humphrey! I have watched them closely over the past few days as it has ben much cooler and the mating has stopped. They are 7 and 8 years old and not fully grown, I didn't expect them to start mating for at least another 10 years really. I will try to send some pictures this week. They are Ibera spurs, and no they are definitely not bleeding I would have separated them if it had got that bad they haven't been biting at all just trying to mate?? many thanks for your help on this.

Re: Are they just angry?
Posted: 12/08/2013 by Tom

If only more people followed your example in terms of husbandry. "We put them outside when it's sunny" is a comment so very often is so often heard & the advice given by many 'experts'.
[After hibernation they do need supplementary heat to get them going] but that's another issue.
At ages 7 & 8 mating behaviour is normal, but females need to weigh about 2kg in the case of T.ibera, before being allowed to become gravid.
I look forward to the pics.


Re: Are they just angry?
Posted: 16/08/2013 by thresh1974

Im just testing to see if pictures have uploaded hmmmmmm

Re: Are they just angry?
Posted: 16/08/2013 by thresh1974

OK so these are my two, as you can see I cant tell the difference so I think both male?? Wasn't hot today but Fidget was up to his old tricks again, still not biting etc just ramming have come up with an idea to amend the garden and give Humphrey an escape. Also a friend of mine has a female that I mated my old tortoise with a few years back, do you think if she came round that might setlle them a bit? Although not now as too late in the year but next Spring? many thanks for the advice its like having teenage boys!!


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