You're in > TPG Members Forum > Indoor and Outdoor Enclosures > Planning!!

Posted: 20/07/2013 by Baskinginthesun

I am planning to get 2 Hermanns yearlings soon so am new here & at the stage of planning & getting prepared (&doing endless reading & asking questions?!)
Am wondering whether it would be possible to have an indoor Tort table in my Conservatory with a brick removed & ramp access to an outdoor enclosure? Would it be too hot in the Conservatory? Would I still need electricity outside for heat lamp?- I would have a mini greenhouse / cloche area & hides outside.
Would a tort be able to use a ramp & remember where to go as for security reasons the hole into the Conservatory wouldn't be able to be that big?
My head is spinning trying to plan everything for the best!!- so thanks in advance for any help.


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