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Fox warning
Posted: 27/06/2013 by aleta66

Hi everyone, I know that there have been previous posts on here about foxes(have just read one about a horrendous attack on a tortoise 30 odd years old) but I just thought I would warn people who don't think they have foxes in their area/gardens.  I hadn't see a fox since I moved to my house nearly 10 years ago, I am in a town near the New forest and had previously seen foxes where I used to live which was much more urban. I did not think foxes were a problems here and presumed that the farmers were shooting them or something(!) However a few weeks ago when we had just got our baby Hermann I saw a fox in the front garden in the middle of the day sun bathing right outside my window! I have since seen her about three times, My tortoise was not out at the stage as it wasn't warm enough for her but it just goes to show they are around even if you don't see them . It could be that people are feeding it, I have a large dog and that doesn't seem to put her off. My garden is enclosed by a v large hedge(over 8ft)  and a 6ft  high fence but obviously the fox can jump, does any one have any ideas about what can keep them away? I have my tortoise outside for a few hours each day in a large hamster/rabbit indoor  cage which I put bricks on the top of and keep a check on every hour or so, I dont leave tort out if I go out. I have seen plastic spikes which can go on top of fences which I think are meant to deter cats, i am not sure if these will wrok, anyone had any experience of these?


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