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Marginated tort never hibernated for 9 years, would it be good or dangerous to start?
Posted: 04/06/2013 by Charlie13

Hi, I am new to the site and although I have had my 1st tort Charlie 9 years (and thought I was doing the best for him) I have come across the TPG and found afew issues! I am in the process of building a secure enclosure outdoors to house my tort ( I was told they must be kept indoor and warm) so he's only been outdoor occasionally in very warm weather. Also in the 9 years I've had him he has never hibernated (I was told they don't need to) this advice now I realise was wrong & feel bad for the past 9 years :( would it do more bad than good starting to hibernate ? As at the moment this is not a natural behaviour? I'm very nervous of the whole hibernation process and wouldn't know where to start
Thanks Sam

Re: Marginated tort never hibernated for 9 years, would it be good or dangerous to start?
Posted: 05/06/2013 by Tom

Hello Sam,
Re. our previous chat, now on the Forum "General Questions"
yes abnormal. Re. pathogens, no prob with Brit. bred torts. Yes hibernate them. Follow the TPG hib. advice meticulously. As you are "nervous," start with 3 months.

Re: Marginated tort never hibernated for 9 years, would it be good or dangerous to start?
Posted: 05/06/2013 by Charlie13

Thank you for your advice Tom , it's been a big help! I just feel cruel for the past 9 years of having Charlie but I thought I was doing the best by him :(
Hears to a better and exciting many more years for him

Re: Marginated tort never hibernated for 9 years, would it be good or dangerous to start?
Posted: 05/06/2013 by Tom

A pleasure Charlie.
Best wishes


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