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Over wintering
Posted: 16/10/2008 by Debi

Hello everyone, in need of some more advise please...

Mr Brown is not going to hibernate this year due to his dehydration problem a while ago, so i was wondering if there is any thing different i should do for him over winter. I have read that i should reduce the number of hours his lights are on down to about 6 or 7 hours a day, should i reduce the amount of food he gets, also he is kept indoors at present, but i took a room temperature reading last night and it was only 10c , is that a little to cold for him through the night ., also should i continue to bath him through winter, sorry for all the questions...... Just one more... for now anyhow !!!!


On 18 Sept Mr Brown weighed 127g , last night he weighed in at 139g, is that about right or too much/too little ...

Many thanks chaps your help is really appreciated....


Re: Over wintering
Posted: 16/10/2008 by ElaineTPG

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Re: Over wintering
Posted: 16/10/2008 by ElaineTPG

Hi Debi, 10°c is a bit to low for this time of year as the winter is not upon us yet. You will need to have an additional source of heat near his set up. I use a small oil filled heater that i got from Argos, it is set to come on when the temps fall below 12°c. Reducing his light at either end of the day is correct, you may even find that in the worst months he may well go to bed even earlier. Hopefully his appetitie will decrease naturally as his weight gain is a little on the high side. Few more laps before breakfast i think LOL Bathing is a MUST after his recent problems.

HTH the pampered Mr B.

Take care


Re: Over wintering
Posted: 16/10/2008 by tpgNina

I think a really good thing is a ceramicc heat emitter on a thermostat. I have one set to go on if the temperature drops below about 12C in the winter, and it works well. Regarding light and food, I think that I would attempt to emulate summer, and so have the lights on for 12 - 14 hours a day, but probably a less food, as the tortoise won't be getting as much exercise as he would in the garden.


Re: Over wintering
Posted: 17/10/2008 by Debi

Thanks to both of you, all advise welcome.

Woke up on the middle of the night last night, with another question burning my tiny brain, is it ok to put him out in the garden  if its a really sunny day but cold/windy , ( I dont have any heat lamps set up outside yet, but will sort one out when Mr Brown's new house is built next year )

This little chap causes me no end of worry !!  

Re: Over wintering
Posted: 17/10/2008 by tpgNina

Yes, it's fine to put him in the garden -- the sun is the best source of UVB, and cold and wind won't hurt him (avoid cold and rain though), but just remember that the smaller he is the sooner he will lose body heat and slow down. I don't have electrics outside, so I take an ordinary desk lamp on an extension cord and put it somewhere where the tort can come and warm up again.


Re: Over wintering
Posted: 17/10/2008 by Debi

Thanks Nina, outside @ lunch time then for Mr Brown, its really sunny but so cold !!Click and drag me down to the editor


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