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Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 03/06/2013 by Charlie13

Hi I'm new to the forum but have had my tortoise for around 9 years. I was happy I was doing the best for him until I have come across the TPG and they are a few issues. Firstly my tortoise has never hibernated as this is what I was advised, he seems happy and is healthy. Secondly I keep him in a table top enclosure indoors. He has been outside occasionally but I am worried about him getting too cold. In typical UK weather ( I live in West Yorkshire ) is it safe to keep a tortoise outside through the day in the summer in various weather conditions? Any help would be appreciated :)

Re: Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 03/06/2013 by Tom

Hello Charlie,
I'm glad you found the site & your tort will be. It will be fine outside. Give it as much room as poss., & make sure it's secure. Knock up good sized wooden house, with a clear plastic top, put some soft straw in, for at night & in bad weather. After a day or two it will find it's way back in.
You may have to shut it out during the day.
Hopefully it hasn't pyramided too badly.
Yes it can hibernate - it will extend it's life.

Re: Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 03/06/2013 by Charlie13

Hi Tom, thank you for your advise. Am I best doing the move to an outdoor enclosure gradually ? As my marginated has lived indoor with heat for around 8/9years. Also would I be best putting some kind of mesh over the enclosure to keep cats etc away?
I also have a horsfield that's supposed to be around 2year old. I rehomed him from someone who didn't want him anymore because there child had lost interest!!
He has been kept in the same way for the year I've had him, in a tortoise table indoors and has never hibernated. Am I right in thinking that horsfield and marginated cannot be homed together?
I have posted a pic of the marginated and then the horsfield, I hope both shells look healthy, as far as I'm aware they do
Thanks Sam

Re: Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 03/06/2013 by Charlie13

Re: Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 03/06/2013 by Charlie13

Pics have loaded wrong way, the first is horsfield and 2nd pic marginated :)

Re: Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 03/06/2013 by Tom

A pleasure Sam. Be cautious if the weather gets v bad. With current weather just make sure shade is available. 'Shells' are not too bad considering. Both need their beaks trimming, see "Vets & Health Iss.," (on left) Re keeping together (they've been quarantined by default) See how they get on. If it works then that's great.
Best wishes

Re: Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 03/06/2013 by Tom

ps marginata does'nt need mesh, Horsfields if over 10cm no, if borderline perhaps some netting. Tom

Re: Is it safe for my marginated to be out in most weathers?
Posted: 04/06/2013 by Charlie13

Thanks for that Tom, are the shells slightly abnormal then? :( is this because of diet or because they haven't had outside space?
I've heard that one species have bacteria that is harmful to other species so they cannot come in contact, is this not true?
Ive bought some of the edible plants from the care sheet this morning to but in the tortoise garden.
On the list is wild strawberry, do you think it would be safe to but a small garden centre bought strawberry plant in the enclosure?
Thank you for your help, ill see how I get on :)


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