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new tortoises
Posted: 05/05/2013 by claireg3610

just had a tortoise bough him off a friend he is 5 yearsx old how much exercise should I give him cos he lovew being out , also his diet has been limited to grated carrot and apple can I give him other fruit and veg

Re: new tortoises
Posted: 05/05/2013 by DavidWYork

Hi Clare,do be sure to have a read through the caresheets of this site. The dark green boxes on the LHS of this page are full of great advice. Once you have read them then come back if you are unsure about anything. Incidentally if a tortoise is moving about all the time, it may not be happy, but just trying to find a spot which suits it in terms of light and warmth. Shade is as important as sun so that your torty can find somewhere it feels comfortable. I am glad you found this site. Even without asking questions there is a wealth of info already in care sheets and past postings. Spend half an hour clicking and you will be full of ideas. Good luck with your research. Regards David nr York.

Re: new tortoises
Posted: 08/05/2013 by Tom

It needs a wooden sided enclosure at least 6m x 3m, (18 sq metres any shape.) At 5yrs, any less than that is absolute cruelty.


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