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Please ID Jimmy
Posted: 26/04/2013 by DavP

Wondering if anybody could give me ID of our tortoise Jimmy, seems to be not quite a spur or hermans.We have had him for 45 years and normally freerange in a enclosed garden with a walkin house for night time. Thanks David

Re: Please ID Jimmy
Posted: 27/04/2013 by Tom

I have an idea which species Jimmy is. It would be helpful if you would post a few more pics. What is his his weight please. Also in what way is he "not quite a Spur or Hermann's?
He looks extremely well for a centenarian.

Re: Please ID Jimmy
Posted: 27/04/2013 by DavP

Hope these shots show Jimmy better. Can't weigh him this moment, he's in his box in the garage this evening as its colder outside. The shot with his fan gives an idea of his size.He doesn't seem to have grown in size over the years, but he must have. The "not quite" bit was that he didn't look like those others in pictures

Re: Please ID Jimmy
Posted: 28/04/2013 by Tom

And the weight is?

Re: Please ID Jimmy
Posted: 28/04/2013 by DavP

Weighed and measured him this morning. Weight 1175 gm shell 19 x 11cm excluding legs and head

Re: Please ID Jimmy
Posted: 28/04/2013 by Tom

Given the weight it's not what I had thought. It wo'nt have grown with you - it's very old, part of the problem with identification is that much of the keratin has worn away. I'll think on, I assume it is Spur-thighed?

Re: Please ID Jimmy
Posted: 30/04/2013 by DavP

Thanks for your views on Jimmy, I now think you are correct.Until a few days ago I thought the spurs were on the legs but only looking at id drawings that showed the spurs as little pimples up in the leg cavity, Jimmy does have these. Supporting Jimmy better as your guides I reweighed and measured him now he's 1243 grams and 18.3 cm long which gives him a better body mass ratio. He's had a varying history, from being famous for his local primary school visits with my wife to how we obtained him 45 years ago. But he never ceases to amaze people when they see him stomping around the garden on a hot day. Once again thanks for your help.


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