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Mesh cover & lighting? Posted: 18/04/2013 by aleta66 |
Hi, I am new here and am hoping to get a Hermann Tortoise and want some advice please about indoor set up, I have been looking at Tortoise tables but I need a mesh/wire cover on top as I also have a dog,(although he is very old now I realise I need to keep him away from the Tortoise). My question is would it be ok to have the mesh cover in place whilst using the basking/heating light? I have been told by someone selling tables on ebay that special wire is required to take the heat of the lamp. I am at home most of the time but obviously would not want to leave the cover off even for a few minutes if I wasn not in the room. The other alternative I was looking at was a fire guard put round the table and secured. My little girl(who is ten) is very excited about getting a tortoise but obviously there is a lot more involved than i thought to keep them properly. I intend to have an outdoor set up for him too and am planning on trying a wooden sandpit initially then hoping to maybe build a larger area as he gets bigger. | |
Re: Mesh cover & lighting? Posted: 18/04/2013 by Tom |
Could you put the T.Table at a height which the dog could'nt reach? Don't waste money on a commercial 'table. An old drawer is ok. Look through all the info on this site, you will find "Mega - Ray" bulbs. They will advise you. If you have a lawn with weeds in, a wooden sided pen with wire over the top is fairly easy to construct. This can be moved every few days. Torts of 5yrs & over need a lot of room. | |
Re: Mesh cover & lighting? Posted: 18/04/2013 by aleta66 |
Hi Tom, thank you for your reply and advice. Have been on here and other sites reading up before we get tortoise, realise that there is a lot to learn. We have been thinking about it for nearly a year now but wanted to make sure my daughter was old enough to at least help with cleaning etc and wasn't going to go off the idea. We both know its a (very) long term commitment. This site is invaluble for advice as seems that a lot of bad advice is given by pet shops(had a simlar thing with buying fish and being given bad information, so am reading up before hand this time). The dog is a big Greyhound so would have to be fairly high up but that is an option thank you. Aleta | |
Re: Mesh cover & lighting? Posted: 18/04/2013 by aleta66 |
forgot to say, yes lawn is full of weeds! :) | |
Re: Mesh cover & lighting? Posted: 19/04/2013 by Tom |
Hello Aleta, Nice dogs, greyhounds. Yes it's important that children observe torts, & don't keep handling them. | |
Re: Mesh cover & lighting? Posted: 14/01/2015 by rachel.blair1993 |
Hi Tom, | |