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Where to buy from?
Posted: 27/02/2013 by ScotTort

Hi there. I have been researching for the past few months and I've decided that I'm going to start looking for a Hermann tortoise!
The main issue however seems to be finding a reputable breeder in Scotland. Can anyone point me in the direction of someone to contact? I've been looking at a few places who said that they can use a specialist pet courier but I really wouldn't like to do that, unless people have had positive experiences with these companies? Travelling a couple of hours to pick up wouldn't be much of a problem!

I also have a couple of questions in regards to the tortoise enclosures. Getting a tortoise table for inside wont be a problem however I'm unsure of how large the outdoor one should be? I have a space in the garden which is about 6ft by 3ft that I could use. Would this be all right? For example is an enclosure like this one good or is there others you would recommend?:

I'm really keen to make sure I provide the best home possible so any advice would be great. I'd give making my own a bash if that's the best idea but I'm not too great at DIY so would feel more comfortable buying one if possible! Thank you!

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 02/03/2013 by tortoise7

Good for you on doing your  research before buying!!Personally I would get a rehomer as at the moment there are so manytortoises out, wheret people just didn't realise that a tortoise needs care, not just put into a fish tank or dumped in the garden to get on with it,(sorry does that sound a bit soap boxy? I am a bit passionate about this)Darren has a lot of rehomers, you can see a photo of the tortoise and readabout their history before deciding, or have a look at the breeders section.Although I am steering you towards a rehomer, there are some very goodbreeders out there if you want a hatchling (baby) .
Tortoises need as much room as you can give them, the 6 x 3' is ok in the shortterm but could you expand on this as they get bigger?
Before you make the run, the best advice I can give you is to look at what habit they came from in the wild and try to replicate as much as possible. The run you showed would be ok if you just want to put your tort out in the sunshine for a while , but is not ideal for a run. Have a look on the members gallery at some of the runs that people have made, and this will give you a good idea.  The runs are made with health factors in mind e.g. slopes for basking, stoney ground for wearing down claws, slate for feeding from to help keep the beak trimmed, all these are put into place for the tortoise to maintain themselves, obviously it is not the wild so we need to keep an eye on them. I could go on but hopefully I have given you some awareness to go off and do a little more research and come back loaded with questions.


Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 06/03/2013 by ScotTort

Thanks for the reply Jane. I've now managed to sort the issues with homing the tortoise, now just trying to get the suitable equipment!
I am getting my little hermann (About 4 months old I believe) within the next couple of weeks.
My main question right now would be what is the best basking lamp to get?
This one?:

This is the Arcadia D3 UV basking lamp which a lot of people seem to recommend. I assume since this does both this is all I'd need in terms of lighting? Also, is 100w the best to go for?

Furthermore, 50/50 topsoil/playsand combo seems to be the preferred ground for the tort, I take it this would be best? I'll be buying some rocks and hiding spots for him to keep things interesting too!

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to make sure I'm prepared as I can!


Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 07/03/2013 by TPGDarren

Hi Scot,
The Arcadia is a very good lamp also the Megaray lamp sold by Inka Products is very good also. I must admit I tend not to use any play sand, but Homebase topsoil as I find this is quite a good consistency anyway.

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 07/03/2013 by ScotTort

Thanks for the reply Darren.
Do you think I should go for the 100w or 160w one?:

The Hermann I'll be getting will be about 4 months old and will be going into an indoor tortoise table until the weather gets better, if that makes any difference.


Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 08/03/2013 by TPGDarren

Hi Scot,

The 100w will suffice for younger tortoises as they warm up that much quicker and aren't so large:-)
All the Best

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 08/03/2013 by TPGDarren

Hi Scot,
As Jane said - It's really refreshing to have someone to do proper research first:-)
Just out of interest - would you mind if I please ask where you are getting your tortoise from?

Kindest Regards

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 08/03/2013 by ScotTort

Excellent I'll order that one just now then!

I am getting mine from after coming across him somewhere on this website (In the forums but can't recall where!). If you have facebook search for 'highland hermann's' and you'll find his page there. Think it might have been yourself that posted his e-mail address now that I think about it Darren actually haha.

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 08/03/2013 by TPGDarren

Yep - I think you're probably right:-)
Have a good weekend:-)

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 10/03/2013 by ScotTort

Sorry, yet another question!
Ordered the mega ray which arrived yesterday. However, didn't even cross my mind that it wouldn't come with the fixing for it.
I have been told that either or these would be suitable.
This one:
This one:

Does anyone have any experience of which is better? Made my tortoise table for the new addition yesterday and this will be getting fitted above it so I take it once I buy one of these I won't need anything else to get the bulb fitted and running?

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 12/03/2013 by TPGDarren

The Exo-Terra is absolutely fine and will suffice:-)
The dome light mskes the heat spot narrower, so personally I would go with the cheaper option:-)


Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 12/03/2013 by ScotTort

Ah excellent, that's the one I went for!
Almost all set now once that arrives, getting the tort on Saturday :)

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 17/03/2013 by ScotTort

Hi there, got the tort yesterday and he is settling in well!
Slightly concerned about our lighting, it just isn't reaching 30-32 degrees at all. Got the 100w megaray and the exo-terra as advised. It's also only 12 inches above the tort table. The wee guy is only 3 months old if that makes a difference.

Any idea why? Really keen to get this sorted ASAP!

Re: Where to buy from?
Posted: 21/03/2013 by TPGDarren


I would be inclined to wait until the lamp has warmed up properly and then test how much lower you have to drop the lamp (carefully) in order to obtain the 30-32 deg basking area.



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