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Looking for a Tortoise
Posted: 22/01/2013 by kara


I have just joined, I am thinking about having a tortoise as a pet and I am currently researching the subject before I go any further. However I have emailed some breeders but none are willing to sell one as I stay in Scotland. Ideally I have been reading up on H/fields and would like one of them. I am not keen to go to a pet shop or garden centre but it is beginning to look like I will have no other option. Any help/advice would be much appreciated.  Thank-you



Re: Looking for a Tortoise
Posted: 22/01/2013 by wizzasmum

Hi Kara

I know of several succesful tortoise keepers in Scotland, one who keeps sulcatas outdoors in summer time. Not sure where your breeders are but probably in the very south of England. I am taking two yearling horsfields to meet a lady from Scotland at the beginning of next month and am quite happy to do this so long as she has the correct setup, which she has. do you have facilities to keep them outside in summer?

Have a look at how I keep mine and see if you are still interested - really Scotland is not a problem, it's just the distance for delivery that can cause problems :)

Feel free to PM me on

Take care


Re: Looking for a Tortoise
Posted: 23/01/2013 by TPGDarren

Hi Kara,

Welcome to the group.

I do know a breeder in Scotland, but he only breeds Hermanns if that is any good.
Care sheets can of course be found here if it helps at all, no need to be directed to another site at all as I am sure you will find everything you need here:-) :-

and the Hermanns Care sheets:-


I can pass on the contact details for the breeder I know if it would be of help. We are in the process of adding him to our rtecommended breeders list:-

Kindest Regards



Re: Looking for a Tortoise
Posted: 23/01/2013 by kara

Hi Darren

Thanks for the welcome and reply. I am pretty much decided that I would like  a Horsfield. I have some other avenues to look at mainly a reptile specialist who it turns out is not that far away from me. I plan to check things out with them and will take it from there..



Re: Looking for a Tortoise
Posted: 23/01/2013 by kara

Hi Sue

Thanks for your reply, I have had a good look at your set up which is most impressive!!! I am still at the planning stages yet as well as all the reading up to do! I am going to check out a reptile shop not far from me, see what feeling I get about it! I spoke to them on the phone today and I must say the boy I spoke to was correct with all the questions I asked..thanks to reading it all on the TPG first I knew what he was saying was i felt this might be positive!!

Will keep you posted..


Re: Looking for a Tortoise
Posted: 24/01/2013 by TPGDarren

So-called reptile specialists are always a bit of a worry:-(
The problem with Horsfields is they have no paperwork and so there is no real evidence of where they came from. They could well have been taken from the wild:-(
At least you've done the reading first and are armed with information:-)
I've checked the UK Breeders list and it is a bit of a trek for you, but at least you know they aren't taken from the wild and they will be healthy if UK Bred:-)
Good Luck & please let us know how you get on
Best Regards


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