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Advise needed
Posted: 22/12/2012 by Troche11


Can you assist me please, because of the fluctuating temperatures my tortoise has started moving around his box with his eyes open.  Today is 12 degrees in December, he is housed in a box in the shed, I check the tempeature in the Shed regularly and today it is 11 degrees.  Should I just leave him, I am really not sure what to do.

Thank you



Re: Advise needed
Posted: 23/12/2012 by wizzasmum

Hi Tacy

As you have found, sheds are not suitable for hibernation purposes as the temps rise quickly with the outside temps. imilarly, they will freeze when outdoor temps do too, which could cause blindness or even worse. You need to move the box, either to the fridge or to an outbuilding that does not freeze or that has backup heat in case temps drop, to keep it to around 5 degrees.

Hope this helps



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