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is it too late to hibernate?
Posted: 02/12/2012 by sorcham

I have tortoise ( I presume Mediterranean) that I found walking down the middle of the street 2 years ago. He lives in the garden and last winter disappeared over the colder months so I assume he dug himself in somewhere and hibernated. Although it isn't yet particularly cold (22C today) he seems to be slowing down and has decided to sleep right next to the back door, presumably for the extra warmth. He's still eating for right now. Is it to late to try and encourage him to hibernate? we are due for colder weather but the coldest daytime max we ever have is around 15C and the coldest nighttime is about 7C.

Re: is it too late to hibernate?
Posted: 02/12/2012 by wizzasmum

Where are you?


Re: is it too late to hibernate?
Posted: 04/12/2012 by unhindered

I am still winding down my tortoise for one more week before hibernating him, I have been to the vets and he said its fine so I would say its not too late :)


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