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shelby needs a new home
Posted: 15/11/2012 by acorn1963

hi my name is ellen i am looking to rehome my 6/7 year old female hermann if anyone can give my girl a good home please contact me thank you from ellen

Re: shelby needs a new home
Posted: 17/11/2012 by wizzasmum

Do you have papers with this tortoise. Can you give details of how she has been kept previously please. I do have a rehoming list for people looking for tortoises, but need to know the area you are in and a little bit about the history if this is OK.

Shelby looks to have some unusual shell formation, so would also need to know if this was likely to be a problem.

Take care


Re: shelby needs a new home
Posted: 17/11/2012 by acorn1963

i dont have any papers for shelby my daughter was given her as a gift from her boyfriend.when she first came to me she lived in a glass fronted box she did have a bulb in there but i think thats what it was a normal bulb darren from this site told me about the megalamp with i got her and i also put her in a large rabbit hutch i use topsoil/playsand i bath her daily and she eats a mixed diet of dandilion watercress florette salad and once a month i treat her to alittle bit cucumber or a piece of apple i put nutrobal on her food she is very active when we first got her her back seem very spikey but as time gone on her shell seem a lot smoother we are i live in eastend of london a place called wapping i hope this is some help to you thank you from ellen

Re: shelby needs a new home
Posted: 22/11/2012 by wizzasmum

I do have a lady interested in rehoming a tortoise. I have a list of potential rehomers, but this lady sounds very nice.  Would you be interested in me passing on your details? They are not interested in breeding and just want a single tortoise to care for. If you contacnt me on, I can help you to progress from there. You would be advised to give a letter of gifting though in case she wanted to microchip and register him.

Take care



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