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Posted: 06/11/2012 by bobkaren2012

could you please give me some advise, i purchased my tortoise from a registered breeder 4 years ago, he told me not to hibernate him till he was 4 years old, so this is the first time i have done this, and i am a bit aprehensive, i weighed him on the jackson scale before i started the wind down period and he was the ideal weight and all the health checks are good, he has started to loose weight on the wind down period, i was just wondering if this is normal, and if so how much do they normally loose before putting him down to hibernate

Re: hibernation
Posted: 06/11/2012 by bobkaren2012

sorry didnt introduce myself, my name is karen, and buddy is my tortoise, would realy apreciate any information that any one can give,   

thanks,      karen, xx


Re: hibernation
Posted: 06/11/2012 by wizzasmum

Hi Karen

As the purpose of winddown is to empty the tortoises gut and stomach, weight loss is absolutely normal. Are you sure you had him from a breeder, that's very odd advice to give as most of us hibernate our tortoises from year one. What regime are you following for wind down?


Re: hibernation
Posted: 07/11/2012 by bobkaren2012

thank you fo the quick reply. He gave me a green certificate of ownership stating his age breed and sex,  he also sends his larger ones abroad for breeding,  I am following the wind down from tortoise protection group pages and am planning to double box hybernate. he is healthy with no signs of any problems. we started on the 5th of nov he weighed 1588g then on the 6th he weighed 1575g and today he weighes 1542g is this a healthy weight loss.



Re: hibernation
Posted: 08/11/2012 by wizzasmum

Are you sure it was not a yellow cert with embossed stamp on bottom right hand side? I've not heard of anyone sending males abroad for breeding, but you never know lol. Are you keeping him on a damp substrate or bathing to keep up hydration? That seems a lot of weight loss in just two days to be honest  unless he is passing faeces and urine - are you sure scales are OK?

Re: hibernation
Posted: 08/11/2012 by bobkaren2012

scales are fine hes pooed most days but not big poos. just weighed him in at 1528. and bathing him every evening. he looks well, lively and strong. am pleased with the help you are giving me hope you dont mind me asking so many questions just apprenehsive as to what to do and how to do!


karen. xx

Re: hibernation
Posted: 09/11/2012 by wizzasmum

It sounds as though you are doing fine - I think the only area of concern is your certificate, butso long as the tortoise is OK that is the main thing. Keep hydration up and give a little heat each day to help him to keep things moving.

Re: hibernation
Posted: 09/11/2012 by wizzasmum

Sorry meant to ask what species your tort is?

Re: hibernation
Posted: 09/11/2012 by bobkaren2012

he is a hermaine tortoise, i apreciate the help you are giving me, he weighs 1225g today, o weiht lose seems to be steading,

karen, xx


Re: hibernation
Posted: 11/11/2012 by wizzasmum

It sounds as though you are doing just fine - if a hermanns, then he is a big enough fella to take a little weight loss. As you say it will steady and then should even out.

Take care


Re: hibernation
Posted: 12/11/2012 by bobkaren2012

thanks for the help its been much appreciated. 


karen xx


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