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Posted: 18/10/2012 by Tild


I am a fairly new tortoise owner.  I have had Patrick for just over a year and didn't hibernate him last year but reading all the info I didn't realise that it would affect them NOT to hibernate - hadn't read that anywhere.  I thought it would be fine to leave him.  So now I'm thinking I must hibernate him but am really scared to do so as I know nothing and there's so much info on various web sites, it's so confusing - I need some help please.  He's 6 years old, we live in The Algarve, Portugal but winters can be relatively cold and wet but not frost.  Where do I start ??  How do I do it, how do you decide when, where and what to look for and how often do you check him (I think I'd be paranoid and check every day, probably twice a day!!!!)


Re: Hibernation
Posted: 20/10/2012 by DavidWYork

Hi there, just click on "the tortoise" on left of this page and follow the links. It is also useful to read previous postings and replies in Hibernation section of the question forum.

Good luck, don't stress and ask again if you are not clear about anything once you have read the entries on this site.

Regards, David nr York.

Re: Hibernation
Posted: 24/10/2012 by Tild


The care sheets state 'give the tortoise light and heat for 12 hours and reduce this and NO FOOD - my little man lives outside - I live in Portugal and temperatures are a bit different to the UK, that's why I was asking as everything relates to UK weather and temperatures.  How do I stop him from eating when he roams the garden ?




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