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Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 04/10/2012 by bethany

Hi, I'm the new owner of a gorgeous horsefield tort. I bought him about 5 weeks ago from Dobbies Garden Centre. They sold me a viv-exotic bearded dragon kit for him and I was stupid enough to take their word for it when they said it was suitable for the tort. The tort is now ill and after seeing the vet I've been told that the viv is not suitable and I should try to get him into a tortoise table. What should I do? Now that I have done my research I know that most of what dobbies told me about the tortoise was inaccurate. I'm now not sure if my tortoise is ill because of the inadequate set up or if it is just bad luck. I'm having trouble with the temperatures. I'm going to buy a tortoise table but am not sure where to get it from and what should I do about dobbies? I feel they should not be allowed to mislead their customers and potentially put the future health of these animals at risk.

Re: Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 05/10/2012 by tortoise7


Sorry that your first experience of owning a tortoise has turned out to be a worry. One of the most common problems in tortoises living in Viv's is dehydration, are you you bathing to re hydrate? What did the vet say was wrong with your tort and is he a specialist in tortoises? sorry for questions.
1st step put the tort in an old drawer for now, that would be better in a very short term situation, giving circulation and a keep a hot and cool end. You can make a table or buy a rabbit guinea pig cage, and then progress up as and when you can. What about your UVB and heat source? what food do give and vitamins ?
HTH Jane

Re: Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 05/10/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Sorry forgot to answer you question about Dobbies.. Take the vet bills and the Viv back to them straight away, and ask them what they are prepared to do about them, and would not leave until I got a satisfactory solution. I would also go armed with leaflets on tortoise care,  if they refuse to co-operate with you then contact Trading standards, this wll not help your little one(although you buying has) but may stop them doing this to other torts.

Re: Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 05/10/2012 by wizzasmum

Firstly is your horsfield on any medication? What is wrong with him and what treatment has been advised? If he is on antibiotics then putting him onto a table now is the wrong advice, this is only if he is well. Any seller that sells a bearded dragon kit for a tortoise should give you back your money as it has been sold for the wrong purpose. This is law and not just something to do as goodwill.

Which branch of Dobbies was it, I will be happy to tackle any around here for you ;)


Re: Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 05/10/2012 by wizzasmum

Sorry to be awkward but I've never heard of vivs causing dehydration, rather the opposite as humidity levels tend to be unnaturally high above ground in them. In my experience vivs can casue respiratory problems and overheating at times.

Re: Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 07/10/2012 by bethany

Hi, thanks for replying.
The tortoise has a respiratory infection and was on a course of baytril antibiotics which was a nightmare to give him but I managed. The vet said the tort seemed very bright and is still eating. He said that had he not been he would have admitted him. He also said that tortoises take a long time to show symptoms and a long time to get better. We finished the medication last week and he seems fine but his nose is still a bit runny. The vet is a serious reptile specialist and was very good. I'm not sure how long to wait for the torts nose to clear up though and when I should take him back to the vet if it doesn't. He advised that I up the temperature under the lamp to 35 degrees celsius which has been hard in the viv without making the cool end too hot. I decided to phone up Dobbies yesterday morning and laid it on the line with them. They have offered me a full refund and will be phoning me back on Monday. They wanted to consult with the director of pets and aquatics so that they could explain to me why they are selling the vivs for the tortoises. I am not convinced that they will phone me back but I am ready for them. One thing about buying a tortoise is that you very quickly learn a lot about tortoises and become quite passionate about them. I wish I'd done my research before though. What kind of table would you recommend and where should I get it from? My hubby isn't into D.I.Y and some of the ones online seem expensive. I've been looking at the tortoise shop's large tortoise table start-up kit. Many thanks

Re: Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 14/10/2012 by wizzasmum

What a lot of people do not realise when using antibiotics and sometimes vets forget to tell them (yes really) is that the temps need to be constant while the drugs are being given. While this is not the way to go with a healthy tortoise, temps must be kept up for antibniotics day and night for them to work. It's because tortoises are cold blooded so do not keep warm overnight without help. I'm not a fan of the tortoise-shop (for many reasons) but if they supply tortoise tables over 3ft long and you are prepared to pay over the odds, then it might be a good idea. Do chech though that they have changed the light fittings to be at the opposite end to the hide area ;)

Good luck


Re: Dobbies Garden Centre
Posted: 11/03/2013 by Flash

It would probably be more cost affective to build a table out of an old wardrobe or something


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