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Our torts outside enclosure
Posted: 20/07/2012 by donnafj

Hi all

Thought we would share some pics of  our torts outside enclosure.









Re: Our torts outside enclosure
Posted: 22/07/2012 by tortoise7


Could not open all of them but the one I did, the pen look amazing. How old are your torts?

Re: Our torts outside enclosure
Posted: 22/07/2012 by donnafj


hope you can see these photos.

enclosure 5                       

enclosureandegglaying010.jpg image by donnafjenclosureandegglaying001.jpg image by donnafj


The torts vary from 25 being the oldest and the youngest is 18 months.

We also have 12 hatchlings that are 2 weeks old.


Paul & Donna

Re: Our torts outside enclosure
Posted: 23/07/2012 by tortoise7

Thanks for re posting photo's, wonderful set-up. Quite a family you have there, what species are they, and have you reared them all from young, and will you   keep the hatchlings?
Just thinking if you have any problems with preditors, being so open?
Sorry so many questions, just interested as it is nice to discuss about the keeping of torts.

Re: Our torts outside enclosure
Posted: 23/07/2012 by donnafj

Hi Jane


They are all hermanns.Ive been breeding now for 2 years,the little tort you can see in there feeding area is my first and will never be sold,others that we had last year have been sold as will the 12 hatchling that we have had this year. We like to keep them until they are a minimum of 6 months so we know that they are eating well and all in good health.As for being so open we have had know problems with preditors.What you cant see in the photo's is that we have a brook that runs along the back and the plan for this year is to place a fence along the back.(Still lots of work to do).

Its always nice to chat with others getting ideas as there is still so much to learn about these wonderful retiles.

What torts do you have Jane ?





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