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Tortoise out overnight
Posted: 28/06/2012 by unhindered

Hi guys, I had JD out in the garden yesterday afternoon and kept checking on him as usual, but couldnt find him after a while, so I had to leave him out overnight, im trying not to panic but I am worried about him, I don't think there are any gaps big enough for him to get out of the garden, certainly the fence and back gate are too low for him. I have to go to work soon but luckily my sister is off today so she can continue the search, im hoping the sun will come out and he will just appear a bit later but we will ask the neighbours either side and behind in case he has managed to get out somehow! Has anyone else had this before? we usually always find him even if it takes a while but there are places at the back of the garden that he could be hiding that are overgrown and aren't easy to get to. I'm normally really cautious about him being out there but I had taken him to the vets yesterday and he put my mind at rest about my worries and said his tortoises just roam around his garden so I was trying to be more relaxed about it! Im hoping he might just be in a bit of a strop with me from being poked about at the vets.

Re: Tortoise out overnight
Posted: 29/06/2012 by unhindered

Hes back home now :)

Re: Tortoise out overnight
Posted: 30/06/2012 by DavidWYork

Great news...was he still in your garden? If not, then a fingertip search for escape hole is vital. I am always delighted to hear of satisfactory retrievals. Anyone else out there with a good news story we can share?

Regards, David nr York.


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