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Deposit down and doubts as pet shop, advice pls
Posted: 10/06/2012 by wwestwoodcm

Ive just put a deposit down on a tortoise from a local pet shop, they have advised a vivarium and £300 all in for this and a small tortoise.  I feel really ignorant now after reading this, should the tortoise have a certificate? how do I know were it has come from if they can not provide documentation? do I have the right to ask for my deposit back in light of the fact that they have told me duff info or do I loose the money, what are the laws, anyone please? thank you

Re: Deposit down and doubts as pet shop, advice pls
Posted: 11/06/2012 by tortoise7

See my reply to your pm

Re: Deposit down and doubts as pet shop, advice pls
Posted: 14/06/2012 by wizzasmum

It depends on what species you are looking at. If you can get your deposit back, then I would go down this route and look at UK breeders near to you, or those who will deliver in person. You could always use the reason that the equipment they are advising is not suitable for the purpose intended (which it isn't) and if that fails, try mentioning Trading Standards or this group as back up. I think they will refund you then. You can never be sure where a tortoise comes from with no documents, and not always with documents either if from a commercial outlet. Whereabouts are you, a few outlets not far from here have now changed to using open topped accomodation and not advising vivs with them, since being re-educated and realising the error of their ways.

Good luck



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