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Overnight temp in outside run
Posted: 28/05/2012 by midorigoi.1

Hi all
I've finally got the tortoise shed and run finished but I'm still really worried about leaving them out at night !
What is the lowest temp they can go down to overnight ?
I have 2 leopards in one half and a hermanns and a graeca in the other
They have hide boxes inside which they sleep in but seem to go into the shed and sleep as soon as the sun has passed over which is about 7 pm
So I'm bringing them In the house then
As always your help is appreciated
Thanks Carl

Re: Overnight temp in outside run
Posted: 29/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Carl

16c is the lowest, personally I would aim for 18c, this will suit all the species you have. Leopards cannot tolerate the cold or damp conditions, understandable really I supose when you think they originate from Africa.
I always bring mine in overnight, but I only have 2 so it is not a problem.

Re: Overnight temp in outside run
Posted: 29/05/2012 by midorigoi.1

Thanks Jane
Haven't left them out yet but going to have to start soon, they've got a good sized area but I don't know how to heat it at night as I don't want to use a lamp and the ceramic ones didn't seem to have a big area of heat !
I've got it secure with an alarm a spotlight and a security camera but I'm still flapping ! ,!
Thanks again

Re: Overnight temp in outside run
Posted: 29/05/2012 by tortoise7

An oiled filled heater with a theramastat control works well, that is what I use when the weather gets colder, Argos sell them at a good price. Sounds like you have the security aspect covered


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