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spur thigh not eating
Posted: 28/05/2012 by gallop1

Please can someone help I have an 8 mth old spur thigh hatchling that usually eats well but for the last 3 weeks he has not eaten at all and he has not pooed for about 5 weeks all he does is buries himself really deep in the cool end of the viv he doesnt come out at all unless I dig him out. He has not gained any weight for 4 weeks but has stayed the same weight. His eyes and nose dont appear to be at all runny and his breathing is not noisy. I am really worried about him as he isnt at all interested in his food is this normal ? and does anyone know what I can do please please help?

Many Thanks


Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 28/05/2012 by midorigoi.1

A good few people have posted the same about thigh spurs mine are the same but I've been bathing them everyday and have been tempting them with treat food and upping the temp earlier in he day
Hope they pick up now the weathers here at last

Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 29/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Chermaine
I would get him out of the viv asap or you will end up with lots of health problems. You can use a Rabbit cage, which is quite big and can allow the air to circulate. Do you have an outdoor pen, as this weather is perfect for torts?
The best way to provide the best environment is to try and replicate the wild as much as possible, glass tanks etc are not suitable environments for these little fellows. I think if you do this then you will see a big change. 
Just to make sure, are his toilets ok?

Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 29/05/2012 by gallop1

H e will have his own tortoise table by the end of the week we are currently building them both one. Charlie hasn't pooed for about 5 weeks now and haven't seen him wee but obviously this is harder to see but definitely no poo for 5 weeks. Help!



Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 29/05/2012 by tortoise7

Check the temps are not too high, and up the baths to 2 a day

Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 29/05/2012 by gallop1

Ok thanks I will give this a try



Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 30/05/2012 by gallop1

Facebook has nothing on this website you people are the best thing that happened to me and my two torty's.

After following your advice I have given Charlie 6 baths in 3 days and today he has eaten 2 small pieces of cucumber and he has had a small wee still no poo but its early days. I really was worried about this little fella and I get very attached to my animals and was dreading the worst, I know it is still early days but to see him eat a little and have a small wee was the best present ever.

Thankyou so so much


Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 31/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Chermaine

So pleased Charlie is starting to eat! was the temps too high? just one more question, did he pass any urates (white soft toothpaste looking substance)? urates are one of theways that let you know if they are dehydrated. Still keep on eye on him and if things don't improve after this, then a trip to a specialist the vet may be  in order.
Glad we beat Facebook TeeHee

Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 31/05/2012 by gallop1

Hi Jane

Yes very thick white toothpaste substance left in the bath. But was really excited to see it because he hasn't passed anything for approx. 5 weeks. The temps are as they should be but can see that there is no circulating of air so it stays hot for most of the time.

Better get back to bathing



Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 01/06/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Charmaine
Keep the 2 baths up until it is soft white urates and then reduce them back to once a day. Your ambient temperature (air temp) should be approx 22c especially when inside, of course you can't control that outside, but that is why you put plenty of shady areas for your tort, plus you will find that outside they will dig down to thermoregulate themselves and get the right temp for them.
The weather has cooled down again now so take a reading of your temps to get a rough idea what they are?

Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 01/06/2012 by DavidWYork

Hi Chermaine, yes, this is a brilliant site! I have kept tortoises for over 40 years, and I still learn new stuff, regularly.

Glad Jane replied, and advice worked. (Nice one Jane).

I would take the chance to have them outdoors these warmer sunny days. They will wander at first, and the exercise will do them good, plus natural UV light of course. Do be certain they have plenty of shade, a netted cover...and no chance of escape! You sound as dedicated and obsessed as the rest of us. Never be afraid to ask questions though, and spend time reading through previous queries and replies. Incidentally, having the option of a damp (not wet), sleeping area is one way to help shell to grow smoothly, according to my recent reading.

Good luck Chermain.

Regards, David nr York

Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 01/06/2012 by DavidWYork   

Just in case you are interested I send a link to an article about wild spur-thighed torts.

David nr York

Re: spur thigh not eating
Posted: 20/06/2012 by mchell43

Hi hope alls well now, what substrate do you use? I ask as I have had my little Charley to the vet she had 2 Xrays , which show very bad blocking/constipation . Vet thinks she had ate soil. she is very poorly and is on laxatives and pain killers. Its been a week and it wont shift. so if she still bad next week she has to go in for drip style treatment. So really even though people say "soil is the best substrate" I say no its not, poor little Charley is suffering so I now use reptile carpet and bath her 3 times daily. This was recommended by reptile specialist. I only hope she does not die because of this , so really soil is not the best option.


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