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Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 24/05/2012 by Ted209

Hi Folks,

My Tortoise is ALWAYs trying to escape! shes got quiet a large enclosure - is there a recommended size??




Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 24/05/2012 by DavidWYork

Hi there. Torty does sound unsettled.

What species is she? Can she see through sides of enclosure? Indoor or outdoor? Are there shaded and cooler areas? Is enclosure interesting enough, or too neat with no secret areas? Is she celibate?

Please provide as much info (plus pics) about enclosure, so we can advise more fully. She is clearly searching for conditions not yet found.

Someone will be able to help. I am certain.

Regards, David nr a very sweaty last! 

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 25/05/2012 by tortoise7


Is this the outdoor pen you are talking about? I know that when it is hot like it has been my torts when they first greet the sunshine, have an abundance of energy and pace up and down their pen, it is the natural instinct to find a mate!! they will settle down eventually. It does depend on what the reason is though, like David has asked, if they can see out then they will be trying to escape and it be very stressfulf for them

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 28/05/2012 by Ted209

Hi both,

Thanks for your quick replys. Ive tried to make the enclosure as interesting as possible (please see photos attached). there is areas of cover, half a pot, grass, flower bed. We have filled it with plants that she can eat, there is a water bowl etc!

What do you think? I can make it a bit bigger, but only by about 3 feet?

Could she have the horn and looking for a mate? Ive heard that tortoises are in season during the first few months after they come out of hibernation?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 29/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Fred

Enclosure looks good, the only thing is Daisies are toxic to torts, so you need to pluck them out, or get rid of most of the grass and let it be a bit stony and earthy. There are other plants there that I am not sure on, although I think some are blue bells which is also very toxic, do you know what the others are? That's good that you have more room to expand, depending on how big your tort is, you expand as and when you can. Is it a safe area e'g free from Foxes and birds that could act as preditors to your tort?
My two are pacing up and down all the time and trying to escape, it is normal torty behaviour when the temps are warm, you will find that she will settle down when it gets cooler, and you have put a screen around so they can't see through.

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 30/05/2012 by Ted209

Hi Jane,

The flowers you can see in the fore ground are in a tub which isn't in her enclosure, ill get those daisy's out asap - thanks for that!

We've tried to make her enclosure as interesting as possible - in with her (plant wise) are pansies, lettuce, carrot (tops) long grasses, heather, fushia and some sun flowers. In with grass she has dandelions and clover.

All of which she can eat (correct me if I'm wrong) but she hasn't touched any of it - just what we put out for her?

She cant see through the fence I've put up - its two decking boards on top of each other, measuring about 10 inches.

Thanks for your help


Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 31/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Fred
You will find that you are changing the pen all the time, I think mine has had a facelift/revamp every year. These torts know what they want, for example, I have just made a lovely hide thinking they would not be out of it, and guess what, they haven't even looked inside, how ungrateful!!!!
I wish mine would ignore the plants I put in the pen, I can't put them in because Keya the little one just demolishes them in a few seconds, and with trying to keep her shell even, I can't do that.
Sorry if I have missed this, but how old are your torts?
All your plants are good, but I would give the lettuce a miss, it has no nutritional value at all! I will double check about the sunflower and post back. Your enclosure is looking really though, and you are putting so much thought in it. Us tort owners really get a crash course in diet, environment and lighting don't we? fun though

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 31/05/2012 by Ted209

We've only got the one and had her about 2 months, since she came out of hibernation. Were not to sure how old she is, but she was found in 1974 weighing about 4lbs. So we can only assume she is between 60-90? Nots to sure - how long do these torts live for?

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 01/06/2012 by tortoise7

With good care like she is getting 100+

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 02/06/2012 by DavidWYork

  Hi there. 2 months with you, 36 years somewhere else. That is a big change. She will take time to settle. Incidentally, does she always try to head in the same direction?

Try putting her in the middle of the garden at midday on several sunny days, and keep a note which direction she seems to be heading. She will be using the sun to orient herself. If previously her environment was backed by a wall on the opposite side of her pen, it will feel odd to her...just a thought. You might, if there is a pattern to her wanderings, try her pen elsewhere in the garden. It may be me overthinking the issue, but you never me, your tortoise may be thinking outside the box!

Regards, David nr York

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 03/06/2012 by tortoise7

Billiant thinking David

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 07/06/2012 by wizzasmum

I'd say it is the size of the enclosure. It's looking good but could do with being a lot lot bigger to be honest as tortoises are used to walkling large areas in the wild. Can you not tort proof your whole garden for them?

Re: Trying to escape!!!
Posted: 07/06/2012 by wizzasmum

Usually these old torts have lived in large areas, this is how they have survived so long. I would imagine this is what she has been used to and not penned in a small area. An adult needs lots of room to be happy and thrive. Hope this helps.



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