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Posted: 08/05/2012 by karen67

I bought a horsfield tortoise for my daughter he is 14 months old, the breeder we bought him from told me he just needed a small layer of aspine in the box but having read about them it says they like to dig and burrow,they told me to feed him on lettuce (not iceburg) and grass and weeds,Ive only had him 3 days and he has runny poo he has very runny poo is this normal.Everywhere seems to have conflicting care sheets I really want to provide the right enviroment for george can you help .Thank you

Re: help
Posted: 08/05/2012 by DavidWYork

Hi there. So glad you found this site!

 Do your research, but specifically use the info available here:

...and then make your judgements.

There are many previous postings in all the categories on this site about Horsefield's and their care, it is worth spending an hour or two reading and making notes, for reference and comparison.

Do remember to feed as natural a diet as possible, and also that in the wild, this species digs and burrows.

I hope that Horsefield keepers reply with specific tips. You clearly want the best for your torty...

Regards, David nr York.

Re: help
Posted: 09/05/2012 by tortoise7

I would not feed the lettuce at all especially as the weeds are in abundance now.Where did you buy S/he from? For piece of mind I would get a poo sample checked out for worms? and wouldn't recommend pre worming treatment unless test comes back positive.
Horsfields are full of character, and of course love to dig, reading the info like David suggested will give you a better understanding of their needs.
Look forward to updates

Re: help
Posted: 16/05/2012 by wizzasmum

I'm really surprised that a breeder told you to keep a little one like that, are you sure it was a breeder? This is how I keep mine Hope it's OK to add that link, if not, mods feel free to remove it. None of my horsfields deliberately choose to eat grass. Organically grown lettuces are fine so long as not a staple diet. At the moment there are loads of weeds out there for the picking. No, runny poo is definitely not normal, I would check that these are definitely from a breeder and if not, get to a vet for possible parasite tests.


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