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Posted: 07/05/2012 by Adussakitty

I was wondering what you would put on the bottom of a tortoise tank? Is hay ok or is straw better or can you suggest somthing else that may be better?
I'm getting a Indian star tortoise which is a non med

Re: Question
Posted: 07/05/2012 by tortoise7

Hi and Click and drag me down to the editor
Firstly I would strongly suggest that you read about Indian stars Tortoises before you get one see link attached
Hay or Straw are not substrates that you would use on any reptile, and Tanks are not suitable housing. I  do not personally have Indian Stars but a friend of mine does, so if you ask questions I will try and find the answers for you

Re: Question
Posted: 07/05/2012 by TPGDarren

Have you not though about getting a med tortoise at all?


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