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Posted: 30/04/2012 by

I am going on holliday next month. I plan to take Bailey, my 2 year old hermans tortoise to my mothers house in a slightly smaller tortoise table for her to look after. Do you think whis would be ok or will it unsettle my little tort? I know my mother will take good care of her and she will have the solar glo light etc and temperatures will be correct.


Re: Holliday
Posted: 30/04/2012 by tortoise7

I think that is a perfect solution, and she will be fine. You sound a very responsible torty owner. When I only had the one baby, I took her on holiday with me and set her up in the cottage we rented for the week. Now I have two and one is an adult, so I can't do that, but I do have a very good neighbour who look after my fish, rabbits and Torts, and I look after her cat when she is away
Have a lovely holiday

Re: Holliday
Posted: 30/04/2012 by

Thank you, I feel happyer about it now :)

New tortoise mam

Re: Holliday
Posted: 01/05/2012 by tortoise7

Just one point I did not say, when you are transporting her, just make sure she feels secure by putting her in a box with a lid so it is dark and lots of paper at the top and bottom to act as a shock absorber, and put the box where it will not get a lot of movement, this is of course if you are going to take her by car


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