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More rain!
Posted: 29/04/2012 by BabsUk

His whetherhas really taken its toll on my greenhouse. 

The floor isvery wet and its cold and damp; I’ve had to move the tortoises to the right sideof the greenhouse and close of the left side off because it has a puddle on thefloor!!   I can’t believe where the leaksare coming from; we have sealed just about every single  nook and cranny we could find and yet stillthe water seeps in; if this rain continues I’m going to have to move them.

My mainworry is the damp; they do have a raised boxed bed where they sleep at night. Doyou think they are safe to leave when it’s so wet inside?  I have not bothered to open their door foraccess to the garden since it’s not stopped raining they won’t venture outside?    They do have their heat lamps on andbackground heating?


Re: More rain!
Posted: 29/04/2012 by DavidWYork

Here in the York area, we have the same problems with rain. The whole Vale of York is low lying and flat, fields and gardens are standing in water everywhere.

If your greenhouse is in a low area of the garden then the water could come up through the soil, even if every bit of glazing is sealed. My worry would be that the whole greenhouse floor became standing in water if rain continues this week. If you have even a suspicion that could happen, then you will have to move them indoors, or sheltered higher ground, or add some bags of pebbles to create a significantly higher, safe dry mound in the greenhouse. As long as your torts are warm, then they will be able to move to higher long as you can provide it! My torts are inside under heat lamps as water is standing in some parts of my garden, but it is sooooo cold! Our local forecast is for sun tomorrow so mine will hopefully be outside. Their shelters are on a raised gravelled area at the highest end of the pen, with a covered cloched area close by also on a raised area.

This is the poorest start to the tortoise year in decades...I do hate these droughts!

Regards, David nr York.


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