When is a hatching a juvenile and a juvenile and adult? Posted: 21/04/2012 by Becky
Good afternoon all,
I've been lurking and reading for a while, having been a tortoise owner for about 6 months now. My girls over-wintered well and the new outdoor enclosure is well on it's way to being built - we've saved some old windows from when we had them replaced last summer ready to create a nice 'hot spot' corner (hopefully!)
My question is when a tortoise is usually defined as a 'hatchling', 'juvenile' and 'adult'? I weigh them both approximately every week, and measure the SCL monthly. I've been using the Jackson Ratio chart for hatchlings to check on their weight, but as they are now fast approaching being 1 year old (June) I've started to use the 'proper' Jackson Ratio to monitor them but am not sure if this is too early.
They're such happy, active little things - I absolutely love them and can't believe I've never been drawn into them before!
Re: When is a hatching a juvenile and a juvenile and adult? Posted: 21/04/2012 by tortoise7
Hi Becky and Welcome Yes they are wonderful creatures,and you have been hooked!!! To answer your question here is a rough guide, although sexual maturity can be advanced in captive torts. Hatchlings 0-5yrs Juveniles 5-11yrs Adults 11+ I would not rely too much on the Jackson Ratio as this was designed for torts in the wild whose weight and build would be alot smaller. I take it you have hermans? The method I use to keep a check on the weight is divide the length by the weight 3 times this gives you scales of 0.16 weight a bit too low 0.17-0.19 Good weight 0.20+ over weight HTH Jane
Re: When is a hatching a juvenile and a juvenile and adult? Posted: 22/04/2012 by Becky
Thanks Jane, that's useful to know. Yes I have Hermanns, they're just fab!
Using your methods, one of mine is 0.22 and the other is 0.20 which corresponds exactly with their ratios on Jackson Ration calculators - however, as they're still hatchlings, I've also been using the hatchling specific chart and that indicates that they're both a little underweight for their size!
One is 75mm (she's 10 months) and the other is 73mm (she's 9.5 months) - what would their ideal weight be?