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Star tortoise ate a while stone
Posted: 04/04/2012 by ling

My tortoise ate a small white stone yesterday while I let him played in the garden. I'm getting worried because he refused to eat today. Even I gave him his favourite Dragon Fruit. Help please :-(

Re: Star tortoise ate a while stone
Posted: 04/04/2012 by tortoise7

How big was the stone? I would expect that it will be passed through, my little one is a tinker for eating stones or anything she can get hold of, I have to really scan the pen to make sure nothing harmful have fallen in.
Is his breathing OK?
If you are very worried, then you could take him for an X-ray, that will show if there is a problem.
Keep us updated


Re: Star tortoise ate a while stone
Posted: 05/04/2012 by DavidWYork

Hi there. Sometimes, torts can be aware of mineral needs, and do eat stones and cuttlefish as and when they can. Adding limestone flour to food will supplement calcium levels, and enhance your torts development. Does he seem OK today, normal in every way?. Have you given a warm bath and preferred foods? If he is reacting in a distressed manner, a trip to the vet would be a good idea. Hopefully you have already sourced a good tortoise vet. If not then that must be a priority, so you are set up for any future emergencies...

Keep us posted please.

Regards, David nr York

Re: Star tortoise ate a while stone
Posted: 07/04/2012 by ling

Hi Jane,
the white stone not really big, but the size I worried whether it can be passed thru :(

He's now ok, seemed back to normal and breathing ok, started to eat. But I checked on his poop I couldn't find that little stone. I worried it stuck in his stomach.

In Malaysia not easy to find a reptile vet, unless I go to National Vet Department. Which is like 5 hours drive from here.

Let's observe for a few more days.

Will update!

Thanks Jane!

Re: Star tortoise ate a while stone
Posted: 12/04/2012 by tortoise7

Has that stone passed throught yet?


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