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Posted: 29/03/2012 by nikkipatterson

This is the first time i have used this site. My 38yr old tortoise hadnt come out of his house for a few days back in october and i was about to put him in a box in the shed when i had to go away for the weekend. On my return on the monday he was gone. We thought he'd dug himself into the garden as he had done last year, but he hasnt resurfaced yet. He appeared last year on the 12th March. Is this usual? i can't see how he would have escaped our garden, but i just don't know now. I'd appreciate your advise as we have only had him for the last 2 years since my father in law died, so am new to this. Nikki

Re: advise
Posted: 30/03/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Nikki
How worrying for you.
I am guessing you have checked under every plant and bush in the garden? I am surprised that he has not surfaced this week as the weather has been lovely, still he may have dug himself down deep. I would suggest that you are very careful not to dig in the garden or at least be very aware that he may be anywhere in the ground. Do you know what species he is e.'g Hermans, Horsfield?
You can put some notices up in the local vets and contact your local police station. I would shy away from advertising the fact that you have tortoise, keeping it to trusted persons. I am afraid it will be the waiting game after that to see if he resurfaces. In the meantime have a look at the information the site has to offer in care of tortoises, so you are prepared when he does appear. Did you father in law give you his history?


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