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ID please
Posted: 25/03/2012 by tortoisemom

Hi please can someone tell me what sex and sub species this tortoise is please.



Re: ID please
Posted: 27/03/2012 by tortoise7

Hi I really am not sure, was thinking a hermans boetgeri but not sure if it is the light, but is the skin a sandy colour on the front legs?
It is definitely a female, so could help on that issue. Have you got a shot of the op of the head please?

Re: ID please
Posted: 27/03/2012 by tortoise7

sorry missed the t for "top of the head"

Re: ID please
Posted: 02/04/2012 by VivTPG

Hi, my colleague Darren agreeswith Jane, your tortoise looks to be female Hermanns probably a Boetegerri.



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