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Posted: 16/02/2012 by jasmin.colwill

Hello, I am about to buy a Hermann tortoise and have read somewhere that I may need an Article 10 Licence under CITES legislation... is this something I need or just my breeder?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Jaz xx

Re: Licence
Posted: 16/02/2012 by tortoise7

An article 10 is only needed if you do any transactions with your tortoise e.g breed or sale. Personally I would like to have the certificate as it does state what species it is, date of birth and where bred. Have a look at the link below which tells you all the species under Annex A

Re: Licence
Posted: 18/02/2012 by TPGDarren

H Jaz
To to add to what Jane has said; you don't need an artice 10 to merely own a Hermanns tortoise. It is the breeder's responsibility to have a certificate to sell you a Hermanns tortoise. I would at least insist on seeing the original and have a photo copy of the certificate for yourself. The regulations have changed now and all orginals have to be returned to Animal Health once the tortoises have changed hands.

May I suggest you take a look at our breeders list and steer clear of all pet shops and other dealers (many say they are genuine breeders when all they really are are dealers). You are much more likely to get a healthy tortoise from a breeder than one that has been shipped from 1/2 way around the world to be passed from pillar to post before being sold.

You may also consider Spur-Thighed Tortoises or Marginated Tortoises, these are equally as nice to the eye and require exactly the same husbandry.



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