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wont eat greens
Posted: 05/02/2012 by ann ismail

help got rescued tortoise about 4 years old all needs are met but will only eat pellets refuses to eat any veg or fruit its like having a naughty child thanks

Re: wont eat greens
Posted: 05/02/2012 by DavidWYork

Hi there. Be persistent. Years ago, I was given  on a rescue tort that had only ever been fed tinned sweetcorn and frozen peas. Took well over a year of tlc to get onto anything like a "normal " diet.  Mine went completely anorexic for months. Eventually she gave in and started by sniffing dandelion flowers, and after a few days ate one. Over next few weeks she took a more varied diet, but I think the harm was done by then. She was a very old tort...I reckon a youngster will be more adaptable. If her weight is good, then be patient. Reduce the pellets gradually, til hunger sets in, and it shouldn't be long before the first dandelion flowers emerge. Go to Tesco, collect clear plastic packaging from cheese department or similar, and use these as free cloches to force dandelions into early growth, peg these down with tent pegs, or cut up wire coat hangers ...once this snow has gone!  Please let us know how you get on, so we can learn from your experiences. I suggest you make a note of her weight, and write a dated log of any changes in her attitude towards other foodstuff. Be patient!

Regards, David nr York.

Re: wont eat greens
Posted: 05/02/2012 by ann ismail

thank you david for your promt repiy his name is meatpie .i will try out your sugestionsand see if anything works ,never had this worry with snakes keep you posted


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