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Hibernate my horsefield??
Posted: 08/01/2012 by

Hi guys, would appreciate your advice. Can u tell me if horsefield tortoises definetly need to be hibernated?? We hibernated "arnold" for the first time 2 years ago ( it was the first year he was old enough 2) but as we were travelling last year and my parents were looking afer him, he never got hibernated and he was perfectly fine health wise. So,we are not sure whether to hibernate him this year? Obviously we want to do whats best for him. HELP!! Thanks

Re: Hibernate my horsefield??
Posted: 09/01/2012 by tortoise7

Hi and Click and drag me down to the editor
Yes horsfields are a hibernating species. You can over winter torts but it really goes against what they naturally do in the wild. It helps with growth and their general well being. You could do a hibernation for a short while but to be honest I would personally carry on overwintering and prepare yourself for next year, unless you have everything in place and feel confident, you could just hibernate for 4 weeks if you started the winddown now. The only time I would say not to hibernate is if your tort had not been well that year or you just brought him.
Hope this helps

Re: Hibernate my horsefield??
Posted: 09/01/2012 by

Thanks for the reply.  I dont have anything in place yet because im just back form travelling i didnt trust anyone else other thatn myself to do it so i think il miss it out this year and definetly do it next.  Can i ask what you mean by "overwintering"?  He is fine just now, still eating and walking about,if anything though he is sleeping a bit more than usual but thats only expected this time of year.

Re: Hibernate my horsefield??
Posted: 09/01/2012 by tortoise7

I think you have made a wise decision.
Overwintering is when you imitate the spring/summer by heat and UVB light, which you are probably doing now anyway. Yes they will be slow anyway this time of year but hopefully spring will be here soon and they will be getting the real deal


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