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breeders Scotland
Posted: 17/09/2008 by evonne

Hi there

Can anyone help,  I am still looking for a breeder in Scotland, I have contacted a few on the list but no joy, please can anyone help?????

Thanks Evonne

Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 17/09/2008 by tpgNina

Hi Evonne,

Can you remind me where you are in Scotland? Is it possible for you to travel a bit south at all? It is a real problem for our members in Scotland, as there are very few breeders there. What species of tortoise are you looking for (sorry if you've told us this before).


Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 17/09/2008 by TPGDarren

Hi Evonne
I'm going to make some further enquiries.


Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 17/09/2008 by Ozric

Evonne I am in Scotland as well and I can confirm there is a definite breeder shortage.  You just might have to make a trip south of the border.  Good luck! Jonathan

Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 18/09/2008 by evonne

Hi all


I am looking for a horsfield or a hermanns, I stay near Glasgow, I could travel a distance off around 100 milies, I have been looking now for 5 months, I am hoping to have one for my sons 12th birthday in October, he has been after one for a few years now, he know more about them than me!!!  If anyone can help that would be great>



Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 18/09/2008 by tpgadmin

Hi Evonne

The 3 breeders on our list and nearest to you are approx 250 miles away from Glasgow.  Have a think about booking a cheap rail fair and travelling to either Chester or York to collect.  I am a breeder and if I should be happy to sell to you I would travel to York (1 hour away from me) to meet up with you.  Alternatively, do you know of anyone that travels between Glasgow and England on a regular basis that could transport a tortoise home for you? 

I have travelled from Yorkshire as far as West Wales and Essex to pick up tortoise previously I'm afraid travelling might be something you might need to consider.


Just a thought.

Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 18/09/2008 by evonne

Hi Helen


Thanks for your reply, I will keep it in mind, due to looking after a member off my family who is very ill I would be unable to travel at prescent, have you got baby horsfields?  I am not going to give up hope in finding a breeder in Scotland there must be one somewhere.  I really do not want to buy from a pet shop or on line.


Thanks again


Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 19/09/2008 by tpgadmin

Hi Evonne

I do have some baby horsfields that were hatched this year still available.  If you would like to discuss this with me please send me a private mail by clicking on the underlined tpgadmin at the top of the message. 



Re: breeders Scotland
Posted: 23/08/2014 by jasna


I also live in Scotland (an hour outside glasgow) could anyone point me in the right direction for a breeder up here or the nearest to me if there are none at the moment? work commitments means that travelling a great distance is a no no but if i could travel to a place and back in one day that would make things a lot easier. Thanks in advance!


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