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Climbing accidents !
Posted: 07/01/2012 by midorigoi.1

Hi all. 1of my torts has been on her back 4x in the last day and a half , I know everyone says don't worry and in the wild they would sort it out on there own but got me thinking , how long would they be ok ? And has anyone actually seen 1 right themselves ? Just a bit worried as she seems to have gone a bit potty , I've removed the log hide but she seems hell bent on causing Mayhem the last few days thanks Carl

Re: Climbing accidents !
Posted: 07/01/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Carl
How is S/he turning themselves over? the best way around this is to sink some large stones around the area so that S/he can anchor onto them to turn themselves over again. What temps have you got, maybe they are too warm which is why they are so active.

Re: Climbing accidents !
Posted: 08/01/2012 by midorigoi.1

Hi Jane it's 81 at the hot end and stays about 63 lowest at the far end , she seems to deliberately climb anything or anyone and she will go ove rather then round anything in the way including the others which are much bigger then her and I think it's them that she's tipping herself on , thanks Carl

Re: Climbing accidents !
Posted: 08/01/2012 by tortoise7

Hi Carl
Your temps are lower than I would have suggested, so I don't think it is that. Am I right in thinking that she is one that you have rescued? it could just be the new environment that has unsettled her. Best to keep an eye on her and if you are worried about anything, then you could get her checked over

Re: Climbing accidents !
Posted: 09/01/2012 by midorigoi.1

Hi Jane , she's my first one but has never been like this , I've had her out in the house and she was hypo for a good hour or so then just calmed down , but even the male leopards Ben a bit of a climber this evening so must be something in the air ! There all eating and apart from being full of energy are fine , thanks

Re: Climbing accidents !
Posted: 09/01/2012 by tortoise7

 I think you may a bunch of deliquents on your hands Click and drag me down to the editor 

Re: Climbing accidents !
Posted: 09/01/2012 by Doug Keen

Many wild tortoises are fearless climbers and falling over is an occupational hazard for them.

They rarely get into any real trouble as they lever themselves against a rock or whatever is available and get upright again.  Guess the trick is to make sure they have something that they can use. I have seen our tortoises push themselves along quite some distance before they found something to lever on ( I would have helped if they got into real distress, but its best to let them get into the habit of helping themselves - next time you may not be there).

Just my thoughts.


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