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new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 26/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

Hi all

ive just been to check on the two new aditions and the big ibera has been really active and pulled the paper of the walls , she seems a bit calmer now but i know there not meant to go back down if theyve been up !!

any suggestions

im just keeping her in there and monitoring for now

thanks Carl

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 26/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

panic over hes settled down , still a bit worried as he was up for an hour or so moving around tho ! temp is 12.4 in the garage ? im going to set up a small viv ive got so i can bring the temp up slowly any ideas on what is the maximum daily ? i know with my koi 1.5 c a day is the max

thanks Carl

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 26/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Carl
Has he actually been in hibernation or are you just trying to get him to go into hibernation?

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 26/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

They were both down , but I've been checking them every other day and he has been up , I've been checking him since and he hasn't moved again

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 27/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Carl
So he never actually went into hibernation and then woke up?
Sorry for questions, just trying to get it right in my mind

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 27/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

They were both hibernating when I got them, but he had been up yesterday , must have been due to the temperature as it was really mild

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 27/12/2011 by tortoise7

In that case I would get him up,  once they wake up out hibernation then they should not be put back, a shame, but you need to be on the side of caution.

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 27/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

Just got your message now ,he hasn't moved all day ,i checked the camera he was moving round for 10 mins over about an hour , Ive got the viv set up ready at 60c ? I'm going to leave him until the morning now as I've had a few drinks as I was doing all the driving the last 2 days thanks Carl

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 27/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hope it all goes well

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 27/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

I will let you know 2moro , thanks

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 28/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Carl
Just something been bothering me, you mention the word viv short for vivarium?, unfortunately that name makes me go all shudderyClick and drag me down to the editor putting them in a card box in room temperature until they come around is the best way. How will you be housing them until spring?


Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 28/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

Well as they were an unplanned rush re homing I've not got a tort table set up for them, and as I thought they would be down until spring hadn't got anything in to begin so I thought I would use the viv without the glass doors until I can sort out a new table or I've sorted out the new reptile shed .much to my wife's annoyance , I've just left him in the unheated viv for now as I had no luck for an hour + trying to get him to come round earlier ! Thanks again Carl

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 28/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Carl
Sounds good that you have taken the doors off,the viv, and I guess you have to do the best you can as the were unexpected arrivals. Yes it is difficult  when they wake up earlier than expected, the little ones are not too bad, it is the big ones that are awkward to accomodate.  What temp is in the viv, an hour is quite a long time for him to take to come around?

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 28/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

I've got the viv in the conservatory , the temp is pretty much consistently 62 and the bearded dragons are happy out there , the doors have been taken off as I know vivs aren't any good for torts I'm going to sort a large shed to house them all for the cooler nights in there own tables , he's got water in there and has had a bit of a bath but just seemed to want to bite me and get out ! And has just sat in there ,guess he got out of the wrong side of bed ! Will let you know if there's any change thanks Carl

Re: new arrivals are awake !!
Posted: 29/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Carl
Glad he eventually woke up, even if he is a bit grumpy Click and drag me down to the editor it is a shame when they semi wake up, but you have done the right thing in keeping him awake now, at least he had part hibernation.
Please keep us posted, it is always good keeping the threads going as we all learn form each others experiences


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